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.DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6

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.DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6 Aluviel 06 Nov 16:09
  .DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6 Alexandre Prokoudine 06 Nov 17:38
   .DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6 Aluviel 07 Nov 04:19
2016-11-06 16:09:19 UTC (over 8 years ago)

.DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6


I am looking for a .dds file extension type plugin for Direct Draw Surface file types. I am modding a NPC character for a game that only acepts the .dds file type. I saw that photo shop has it and there is a plug in for Gimp. When I read the install instructions, it said it had to be Gimp 2.8 or higher. Back when 2.8 came out I just couldnt get the hang of it. Not only am I out of practice, I couldnt even find simple things like Layers- paths etc.. So If anyone knows where I can find a .dds plugin that is truly for gimp .2.6 I would so so be appreciative.

Alexandre Prokoudine
2016-11-06 17:38:45 UTC (over 8 years ago)

.DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6

6 нояб. 2016 г. 19:34 пользователь "Aluviel" написал:

Back when 2.8
came out I just couldnt get the hang of it. Not only am I out of

practice, I

couldnt even find simple things like Layers- paths etc..

'Window > Dockable Dialogs' menu.


So If anyone knows
where I can find a .dds plugin that is truly for gimp .2.6

Tried any at ?


2016-11-07 04:19:13 UTC (over 8 years ago)

.DDS exention plugin for Gimp 2.6

6 нояб. 2016 г. 19:34 пользователь "Aluviel" написал:
practice, I
'Window > Dockable Dialogs' menu.

Alex Tried any at ?


Yes I sure did.. I have tried those exact ones a few times. I just bit the bullet and dled 2.8 and I am going to have to just deal with it. : (