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Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange

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Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange BTR 31 Oct 16:28
  Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange BTR 31 Oct 16:32
  Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange rich2005 31 Oct 18:42
   Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange BTR 31 Oct 22:22
2016-10-31 16:28:49 UTC (over 8 years ago)

Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange

Hello everyone,
to put it short and simple:
What is the fastest way to rearrange a single image like the one "on the left side" so it looks like the one "on the right side"?

I'm modifying old video games. All of these use small 16x16 pixel tiles to assemble bigger pictures. Due to old game hardware reasons these tiles have to be split up again, into four 8x8 pixel tiles. When inserting graphics into games, I have to consider this. The square on the left shows how the 16x16 pixel tile is displayed, how the player sees it. In order to put the picture data into the game file, it has to be arrange in a row of four 8x8 pixel tiles, as shown on the right.

This is quite a bottleneck Currently I'm doing it this way: - Select top left [1] block, cut (ctrl+x). (the selection tool is set to a fixed 8x8 pixel size) - Paste next to the image (ctrl+v), this gives me a floating selection, double click next to it or ctrl + H to anchor the selection - Select bottom left [2] block, cut (ctrl+x), paste right of the [1] block - Select top right [3] block, cut (ctrl+x), paste right of the [2] block - Select top right [4] block, cut (ctrl+x), paste right of the [3] block

I have to do this for hundrets if not thousands of images, so any way to speed this up would be great. I'm depending on GIMP for this and can't use dedicated retro graphics software solutions. All of these lack GIMP's ability to work with layers. I need to overlay placeholder graphics as a guide in order to place the modified game artwork correctly (see bottom picture)

2016-10-31 16:32:19 UTC (over 8 years ago)

Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange

Sorry, the formating got messed up. The middle part is difficult to read this way, so I'm posting this again:

Select top left [1] block, cut (ctrl+x). (the selection tool is set to a fixed 8x8 pixel size)

Paste next to the image (ctrl+v), this gives me a floating selection, double click next to it or ctrl + H to anchor the selection

Select bottom left [2] block, cut (ctrl+x), paste right of the [1] block

Select top right [3] block, cut (ctrl+x), paste right of the [2] block

Select top right [4] block, cut (ctrl+x), paste right of the [3] block

2016-10-31 18:42:27 UTC (over 8 years ago)

Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange

Hello everyone,
to put it short and simple:
What is the fastest way to rearrange a single image like the one "on the left side" so it looks like the one "on the right side"?


I have to do this for hundrets if not thousands of images, so any way to speed this up would be great. I'm depending on GIMP for this and can't use dedicated retro graphics software solutions. All of these lack GIMP's ability to work with layers. I need to overlay placeholder graphics as a guide in order to place the modified game artwork correctly (see bottom picture)

Got it down to about 50 seconds for one image, using several scripts and plugins.

1. Open image

2. Put in 50% guides with this script: greggs crosshairs.scm

3. Guillotine-into-Layers with this plugin.

Buried in there amongst the code is a Window .exe file. If you use linux ask me, if you use OSX stop reading now.

4. Adjust the layer order and invert the layer stack.

5. Increase the canvas size from 8x8 to 32x8

6. Spread the layers out with this plugin: Down towards the bottom of the page, about 26 down.

7. Export in the required format to flatten the layers.

Here is a quick video of the procedure

Hundreds of these? Probably all or part of that could be incorporated into a command line or new script. You need to ask one of the clever guys about that.

2016-10-31 22:22:38 UTC (over 8 years ago)

Fastest way to cut/copy --> paste --> rearrange

Hello rich2005,
very nice!
Thank you for the fast reply, and a great tutorial video as well.

This is most useful and will be a huge help. Considering I've wasted weeks on copy and paste jobs, I should have asked earlier :) This process can be accelerated even further by mapping these new functions to button combinations and the built in ctrl+M to merge all layers.

I'm on Linux Mint 17.3 (Debian base) and managed to install all the things required. Should have mentioned my OS.

Just in case someone else is looking for this kind of solution: Get libgimp2.0-dev from the software repository, its required for some plugins and scripts to work goes into home/USERNAME/.gimo-2.8/plug-ins, then needs to be marked as executeable Gregs Crosshairs.scm goes into home/USERNAME/.gimo-2.8/scripts Just a little correction, the crosshair download is located here: installed with make, then sudo make install

Thanks again.