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Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed

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Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed brc131 07 Jul 21:00
  Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed Steve Kinney 08 Jul 03:15
  Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed judah 21 Jul 16:48
2014-07-07 21:00:20 UTC (over 10 years ago)

Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed


I'm having an issue with the myriad pro bold font. The spacing of the letters changed all of a sudden. I've closed, restarted, uninstalled, reinstalled a few different versions and nothing seems to work. I've played around with font size, hinting without luck as well.

Attached is an example of the spacing being off. It can be seen best in the word 'calcaneous' in the attached image. On the left, the text is normal looking. On the right, the spacing of the letters is off. I hadn't made any changes when this distortion started occurring.

The text in this image is myriad pro bold, 14 px. I'm using version 2.6.12 here (because I find it's easiest for me to use for what I need to do) but I've also updated gimp and tested the font in the latest version with the same result.

Thank you for any help you have to offer!!

Steve Kinney
2014-07-08 03:15:26 UTC (over 10 years ago)

Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed


On 07/07/2014 05:00 PM, brc131 wrote:


I'm having an issue with the myriad pro bold font. The spacing of the letters changed all of a sudden. I've closed, restarted, uninstalled, reinstalled a few different versions and nothing seems to work. I've played around with font size, hinting without luck as well.

Attached is an example of the spacing being off. It can be seen best in the word 'calcaneous' in the attached image. On the left, the text is normal looking. On the right, the spacing of the letters is off. I hadn't made any changes when this distortion started occurring.

In GIMP 2.8, the on-canvas text tool can adjust the kerning (horizontal spacing) of text. Put the cursor between the letters you want moved together or apart and use the lower right box in the floating text dialog box. Picture worth thousand words:

This should work. As for the underlying problem, that's a mystery so far. I never saw anything like it, in a "familiar and well tested" font.



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2014-07-21 16:48:33 UTC (over 10 years ago)

Spacing of text in myriad pro bold suddenly changed

brc131> writes:


I'm having an issue with the myriad pro bold font. The spacing of the


changed all of a sudden. I've closed, restarted, uninstalled, reinstalled a


different versions and nothing seems to work. I've played around with font


hinting without luck as well.

Attached is an example of the spacing being off. It can be seen best in the


'calcaneous' in the attached image. On the left, the text is normal looking.


the right, the spacing of the letters is off. I hadn't made any changes when this distortion started occurring.

Looking at the two options you provided, the text in the problematic text box seems distorted, it looks like you may have somehow stretched the original dimensions of thectext box. If you have the file copy the text from the text box, paste it into a new txt file, delete the problematic layer and paste the text in a new text layer.

The text in this image is myriad pro bold, 14 px. I'm using version 2.6.12


(because I find it's easiest for me to use for what I need to do) but I've


updated gimp and tested the font in the latest version with the same result.

Granted you posted this a month ago, I hope it helps in future.