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split tiled image

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split tiled image Szasz Pal 09 Sep 14:36
  split tiled image Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris 09 Sep 16:12
  split tiled image Carol Spears 09 Sep 20:43
   split tiled image Alan Horkan 09 Sep 21:33
Szasz Pal
2004-09-09 14:36:07 UTC (over 20 years ago)

split tiled image


I'm looking for a gimp script/plugin which could split up an image in small tiles. For example I have 'tiles.png', a 128x128 image which contains 16x16 tiles. The script would be able to split it and save them in 'tile00.png', 'tile01.png', ... , 'tile77.png'.

Does such script already exists? If not can you write me some notes on how to start writing one, what functions should I use for it?

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards, Szasz Pal
Space Software Studio

Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris
2004-09-09 16:12:10 UTC (over 20 years ago)

split tiled image

On Thursday 09 September 2004 09:36, Szasz Pal wrote:


I'm looking for a gimp script/plugin which could split up an image in small tiles. For example I have 'tiles.png', a 128x128 image which contains 16x16 tiles. The script would be able to split it and save them in 'tile00.png', 'tile01.png', ... , 'tile77.png'.

Does such script already exists? If not can you write me some notes on how to start writing one, what functions should I use for it?


You will have to install gimp-perl Therein you will find "guides grid" and "perl-o-tine" - they will do what you want.

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards, Szasz Pal
Space Software Studio
_______________________________________________ Gimp-user mailing list

Carol Spears
2004-09-09 20:43:41 UTC (over 20 years ago)

split tiled image

On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 02:36:07PM +0200, Szasz Pal wrote:


I'm looking for a gimp script/plugin which could split up an image in small tiles. For example I have 'tiles.png', a 128x128 image which contains 16x16 tiles. The script would be able to split it and save them in 'tile00.png', 'tile01.png', ... , 'tile77.png'.

Does such script already exists? If not can you write me some notes on how to start writing one, what functions should I use for it?

if you dont need html to go with the tiles, Image -->Transform -->Guillotine should do the trick.

if you need html, then perlotine can be installed with the gimp-perl module.


Alan Horkan
2004-09-09 21:33:54 UTC (over 20 years ago)

split tiled image

I'm looking for a gimp script/plugin which could split up an image in small tiles. For example I have 'tiles.png', a 128x128 image which contains 16x16 tiles. The script would be able to split it and save them in 'tile00.png', 'tile01.png', ... , 'tile77.png'.

Does such script already exists?

if you dont need html to go with the tiles, Image -->Transform -->Guillotine should do the trick.

Guillotine will slice an image based on the Guides.

If you dont have Perlotine already (gimp 1.2) you will probably have py-slice (gimp 2.0) which works pretty similarly. More than just splitting the images (Guillotine) these scripts both also save the imagess which is what you really want.

Gimp 2.0 doesn't include the guides grid script (at least not the script-fu version), it was removed because someone thought it was no longer useful now that the gimp has a built in grid.

In case you need it i have a modified version of Grid of Guides and updated it to work with the Gimp 2.0, it appears as "View, New Guides..."

If not can you write me some notes on how to start writing one, what functions should I use for it?

It would be easier (and possibly more efficient) to write a script like this if guillotine provided more (any) information about its output (I'm thinking an array/list of images, in case any of the developers are reading this).
Both perlotine and py-slice work by duplicating and cropping the image which I dont imagine is particularly efficient.


Alan Horkan Inkscape, Draw Freely Free SVG Clip Art