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xsane/xscanimage doe not work in gimp2-2.0.1

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xsane/xscanimage doe not work in gimp2-2.0.1 Patrick Shanahan 30 Aug 01:06
  xsane/xscanimage doe not work in gimp2-2.0.1 Sven Neumann 30 Aug 16:13
Patrick Shanahan
2004-08-30 01:06:49 UTC (over 20 years ago)

xsane/xscanimage doe not work in gimp2-2.0.1

I cannot access my epson perfection 2400 scanner from gimp2

SuSE 9.0 gimp2-2.0.1-100.SuSE.ulb.1

/opt/gnome/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xsane -> /usr/X11R6/bin/xsane*

process starts: /opt/gnome/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xscanimage -gimp 12 10 -run 0 but no interface window appears

/opt/gnome/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xscanimage -> /usr/X11R6/bin/xscanimage*

process starts: /opt/gnome/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xsane -gimp 10 8 -run 0 but no interface window appears

Both xsane and xscanimage will start directly w/o gimp2 and function as expected. What have I done/not done that does not allow me to access my scanner from within the gimp2?


Sven Neumann
2004-08-30 16:13:42 UTC (over 20 years ago)

xsane/xscanimage doe not work in gimp2-2.0.1


Patrick Shanahan writes:

I cannot access my epson perfection 2400 scanner from gimp2

SuSE 9.0 gimp2-2.0.1-100.SuSE.ulb.1

As far as I know sane 1.0.13 doesn't support gimp2. You should update sane to 1.0.14. And you should also update gimp2; there have been lots of bug-fixes since version 2.0.1.
