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Gimp and image properties

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Gimp and image properties Glenn Hancock 23 Aug 16:42
  Gimp and image properties Patrick Shanahan 23 Aug 17:04
   Gimp and image properties Glenn Hancock 23 Aug 17:12
    Gimp and image properties Patrick Shanahan 23 Aug 17:48
    Gimp and image properties Carol Spears 23 Aug 19:01
   Gimp and image properties khiraly 24 Aug 02:53
Gimp and image properties Michael Schumacher 23 Aug 17:39
Gimp and image properties 23 Aug 19:05
  Gimp and image properties Patrick Shanahan 23 Aug 19:59
Gimp and image properties William Skaggs 23 Aug 21:39
Gimp and image properties William Skaggs 23 Aug 22:54
Gimp and image properties Bob Long 24 Aug 03:26
Gimp and image properties Bob Long 24 Aug 08:25
  Gimp and image properties Michael Schumacher 24 Aug 09:13
Glenn Hancock
2004-08-23 16:42:00 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

I have a photo's I took with my D70 Nikon that come in at 2000x3008 and 300dpi. When I open in photoshop I can see this information along with the camera settings when the picture was snapped.

1) Can Gimp provide the camera data that is stored in the jpeg?

2) Why does Gimp show the resolution as 72x72 when it was originally 300?

I am concerned that if I work with my photo's in gimp that I"m going to end up with a lower res jpeg which will mess everything up...



Patrick Shanahan
2004-08-23 17:04:16 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

* Glenn Hancock [08-23-04 09:42]:

I have a photo's I took with my D70 Nikon that come in at 2000x3008 and 300dpi. When I open in photoshop I can see this information along with the camera settings when the picture was snapped.

1) Can Gimp provide the camera data that is stored in the jpeg?

Yes, filters -> generic -> exif browser

2) Why does Gimp show the resolution as 72x72 when it was originally 300?

72x72 is the screen resolution your are viewing the image in, not the image resolution.

I am concerned that if I work with my photo's in gimp that I"m going to end up with a lower res jpeg which will mess everything up...

ONLY, if you specifically change it. You are safe :^)

Glenn Hancock
2004-08-23 17:12:00 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

Thanks for the info, but I don't have filters / generic / exif browser menu.

Also, if gimp is going to show me the screen resolution which I already know instead of the true resolution of the image then how do I determine the true resolution? That seems some what worthless to show me the screen resolution when asking for image properties doesn't it?



On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:04:16 -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:

* Glenn Hancock [08-23-04 09:42]:

I have a photo's I took with my D70 Nikon that come in at 2000x3008 and 300dpi. When I open in photoshop I can see this information along with the camera settings when the picture was snapped.

1) Can Gimp provide the camera data that is stored in the jpeg?

Yes, filters -> generic -> exif browser

2) Why does Gimp show the resolution as 72x72 when it was originally 300?

72x72 is the screen resolution your are viewing the image in, not the image resolution.

I am concerned that if I work with my photo's in gimp that I"m going to end up with a lower res jpeg which will mess everything up...

ONLY, if you specifically change it. You are safe :^) --
Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 @ HOG # US1244711 Photo Album:

Michael Schumacher
2004-08-23 17:39:58 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

Thanks for the info, but I don't have filters / generic / exif browser menu.

Maybe this is an additional plug-in - I don't have this either.

Also, if gimp is going to show me the screen resolution which I already know instead of the true resolution of the image then how do I determine the true resolution? That seems some what worthless to show me the screen resolution when asking for image properties doesn't it?

Is the resulution really set in the image file (some formats support this) or just in the EXIF data? You could try to use another tool, maybe identify from imagemagick, to check this.

HTH, Michael

Patrick Shanahan
2004-08-23 17:48:32 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

* Glenn Hancock [08-23-04 10:13]:

Thanks for the info, but I don't have filters / generic / exif browser menu.

on image,
drop-down menu
filters -> generic -> exif browser

Also, if gimp is going to show me the screen resolution which I already know instead of the true resolution of the image then how do I determine the true resolution? That seems some what worthless to show me the screen resolution when asking for image properties doesn't it?

on image,
drop-down menu
view -> info window
(or , unless you have changed it)

PLEASE, trim your quotes

ps: You didn't say which version of the gimp you are using. The current version 2.xx is what I have cited. Version 1.xx displays the screen resolution in the info window and I guess you would have to obtain a plugin for viewing exif data (availibility unknown).

pss: metacam is available (google search). I have ver 1.1. It displays exif data from graphic images (doesn't work on oly raw).

Carol Spears
2004-08-23 19:01:42 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 11:12:00AM -0400, Glenn Hancock wrote:

Thanks for the info, but I don't have filters / generic / exif browser menu.

Also, if gimp is going to show me the screen resolution which I already know instead of the true resolution of the image then how do I determine the true resolution? That seems some what worthless to show me the screen resolution when asking for image properties doesn't it?

you can make the original read only and never save an altered image on top of this. screens only show a certain number of pixels. those resolution numbers, since i figured them out, make little sense and whenever printing an image that gimp or any other graphics rendering computer app has touched -- the machine does what it will and is not dependent at all on those little numbers.

just never save over the original and relax.

2004-08-23 19:05:53 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

I don't have filters / generic / exif browser menu.

Maybe this is an additional plug-in - I don't have this either.

It's not ported for the Windows version of Gimp that I could find (with my humble google-fu). It would be nice to have though.


Patrick Shanahan
2004-08-23 19:59:51 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

* [08-23-04 12:27]:

It's not ported for the Windows version of Gimp that I could find (with my humble google-fu). It would be nice to have though.

NOTE: this is for Gimp 2.xx and will probably *not* work in which I believe the OP has.

William Skaggs
2004-08-23 21:39:22 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

Item: The EXIF Browser plug-in is not distributed with GIMP. (It may be included in some packages, though.) It can be downloaded from the GIMP Plugin Registry, at

Item: A digital camera image does not really have a true "resolution". Assigning one of 300 dpi is simply arbitrary. A resolution only exists when an image is physically displayed, on a monitor or paper. The 300 dpi value is simply a recommendation of a resolution that will give a decent-looking result when used for printing the image.

Anyway, the main reason GIMP does not show you the resolution is because it is stored in the EXIF data, and GIMP does not currently read EXIF data, it simply passes it through unchanged.

Best, -- Bill

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Sent via the KillerWebMail system at

William Skaggs
2004-08-23 22:54:08 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

An update:

Thanks to Michael Schumacher I have been able to add a Windows binary for the EXIF browser plug-in to the Registry: from

To install, just unzip it and place the unzipped version in the "plugins" subdirectory of your personal GIMP directory. Michael says this should work with GIMP 2.0.x.

Best, -- Bill

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Sent via the KillerWebMail system at

2004-08-24 02:53:16 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties


1) Can Gimp provide the camera data that is stored in the jpeg?

Yes, filters -> generic -> exif browser

I think it would be better to place in a new tab of Image->Info Windows dialog. That would be more self-explanatory. And the plugin should be distributed with the standard gimp.

I think some plugins is are really usefull (and frequently searched), so I think it should be good to package with the standard gimp distribution. Or at least make a standard pluginset package.

Best regards, Khiraly

Bob Long
2004-08-24 03:26:18 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

On Tuesday, August 24, 2004 6:54 AM [GMT+1=CET], William Skaggs wrote:

An update:

Thanks to Michael Schumacher I have been able to add a Windows binary for the EXIF browser plug-in to the Registry: from

To install, just unzip it and place the unzipped version in the "plugins" subdirectory of your personal GIMP directory. Michael says this should work with GIMP 2.0.x.

Using 2.0.3 (on XP Home), the filter now appears, but there is the message, "Exif Browser Message This image has no exit data attached."

Using the EXIF info in IrfanView does show information. So I'm not sure what it all means!

Bob Long

Bob Long
2004-08-24 08:25:03 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

On Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:26 AM [GMT+1=CET], Bob Long wrote:
[...] from

To install, just unzip it and place the unzipped version in the "plugins" subdirectory of your personal GIMP directory. Michael says this should work with GIMP 2.0.x.

Using 2.0.3 (on XP Home), the filter now appears, but there is the message, "Exif Browser Message This image has no exit data attached."

Just upgraded to the GIMP 2.0.4 (Windows) and the exif browser now works. Great stuff!

Bob Long

Michael Schumacher
2004-08-24 09:13:57 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Gimp and image properties

Bob Long wrote:

Using 2.0.3 (on XP Home), the filter now appears, but there is the message, "Exif Browser Message This image has no exit data attached."

Just upgraded to the GIMP 2.0.4 (Windows) and the exif browser now works. Great stuff!

GIMP 2.0.3 had a glitch in the EXIF handling, this may be the problem:

HTH, Michael