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Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October?

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Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October? Joao S. O. Bueno 20 Aug 03:30
  Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October? Simon Budig 20 Aug 21:13
   Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October? Carol Spears 21 Aug 00:37
Joao S. O. Bueno
2004-08-20 03:30:51 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October?

Just got this onn GUG, but I believe most developers do not subscribe to that list (and are otherwise advised to subscribe here).

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October? Date: Thursday 19 August 2004 14:44
From: Lucia Cosima Eiselstein

Hello all,

Rosa Riebl, she is publisher of the magazine "freeX", just asked, if there is any interest for the GIMP-people to participate as an OpenSource project at the Systems, October 18-22 in Munic (Germany). This year for the first time, there will be sponsored space (about 100 square meter) for OpenSource projects.

So, is there anybody out there who is interested in participating, means running a GIMP-booth? It's some work, but fun, too. The more people doing it, the more fun. Just ask the people who run the GIMP-booth at Linuxtag 2001, like toskala (Markus Flaig), lorindol (Martin Brotzeller) and all the others (including myself).

Attached the mail Rosa Riebl send me (I know her, guess wherefrom? ... Linuxtag 2001)

Have a nice day


-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Gimp auf der Systems 2004 in München Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 17:12:14 +0200 From: Rosa Riebl

Guten Tag Frau Eiselstein,

ich kontaktiere Sie in Ihrer Eigenschaft als Mitglied der

Wie Sie ja wahrscheinlich wissen, findet vom 18.-22.10. in München die Systems statt. Bis
jetzt war OpenSource dort kein Thema, dies soll sich dieses Jahr aber ändern.
In meiner Eigenschaft als Herausgeberin der freeX wurde mir gestern mitgeteilt, daß ca. hundert Quadratmeter für Opensource-Stände gesponsort werden. Dies wären wahrscheinlich an die zehn Stände in einem gesondert ausgewiesenen Bereich, die sich dem vorwiegend geschäftlich orientiertem Publikum präsentieren können. Weil die Messegesellschaft keine Erfahrung mit den OpenSource-Gruppen hat, habe ich mich bereiterklärt, mit den Ausstellern einen Erstkontakt herzustellen.

Nun meine Frage: Möchte sich die Gimp-Gruppe auch auf der Systems präsentieren? Falls ja, würde ich mich freuen, wenn Sie mir kurz Bescheid geben würden. Bitte sagen Sie mir dann auch, was Sie alles brauchen (ein Internetanschluß wird zur Verfügung stehen), bspw. an Mobiliar oder ähnliches.

Viele Grüße

Rosa Riebl C&L Verlag

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Simon Budig
2004-08-20 21:13:17 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October?

From: Lucia Cosima Eiselstein

Rosa Riebl, she is publisher of the magazine "freeX", just asked, if there is any interest for the GIMP-people to participate as an OpenSource project at the Systems, October 18-22 in Munic (Germany). This year for the first time, there will be sponsored space (about 100 square meter) for OpenSource projects.

Just to chime in. This claim from Mrs. Riebl is utterly wrong. There have been two or three instances of the "LinxuPark" - sponsered by the Linux New Media AG (competitors of the C&L-Publishers).

I presented a Gimp Booth there on at least two occasions (not sure if there were two or three).

So this definitely is not the first time that there is sponsored space for open source projects on the Systems.

That having said, it would be cool if somebody would present GIMP at the Systems. I however won't be able to come.

Bye, Simon

Carol Spears
2004-08-21 00:37:40 UTC (over 20 years ago)

Fwd: [GUG] GIMP at Systems in Munic (Germany) in October?

On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 09:13:17PM +0200, Simon Budig wrote:

From: Lucia Cosima Eiselstein

Rosa Riebl, she is publisher of the magazine "freeX", just asked, if there is any interest for the GIMP-people to participate as an OpenSource project at the Systems, October 18-22 in Munic (Germany). This year for the first time, there will be sponsored space (about 100 square meter) for OpenSource projects.

Just to chime in. This claim from Mrs. Riebl is utterly wrong. There have been two or three instances of the "LinxuPark" - sponsered by the Linux New Media AG (competitors of the C&L-Publishers).

I presented a Gimp Booth there on at least two occasions (not sure if there were two or three).

So this definitely is not the first time that there is sponsored space for open source projects on the Systems.

yes, this is very interesting. in a group effort you never know who is running the booths at these things. you hope it is someone who understands the gimp and can answer questions.

at one of the recent conventions i went to, there was a nice booth babe who told me that no one who really worked on actual development showed up to work booths. this might have been misinformation as i had expressed some concern for being yelled at by someone who was actually waorking on things ....

that was a long sentence for, how nice that the gimp people provided one of their finest developers to be a booth babe at one of these events. and since simon only is rude to me, he is probably one of the better developers to represent gimp out there.

such a pity that the people who hosted the gimp developer did not know what they had.

That having said, it would be cool if somebody would present GIMP at the Systems. I however won't be able to come.

would be nice if someone is able to volunteer to handle a gimp booth here, that they let this list know so that at least we know who it is and what we might need to be sorry for or proud of, depending on how it goes.

maybe send it to the developer list also?
