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crop visible layers

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crop visible layers Aditia A. Pratama 21 Feb 09:26
  crop visible layers Richard Gitschlag 21 Feb 17:40
   crop visible layers Ofnuts 22 Feb 08:23
Aditia A. Pratama
2013-02-21 09:26:05 UTC (about 12 years ago)

crop visible layers

Dear Developers,

It'll be useful if we can crop layers based on visibility. AFAIK gimp only capable crop current selected only. Thank you

Best Regards,

*Aditia A. Pratama*
*CG Artist & Compositor*
"There's no secret ingredient to be special, you just have to BELIEVE that
you are Special" Po ~ Kungfu Panda

*Twitter* : @aditia_ap * | Skype* : adit1a* |
Facebook* : Aditia A. Pratama 
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Richard Gitschlag
2013-02-21 17:40:25 UTC (about 12 years ago)

crop visible layers

Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 16:26:05 +0700 From:
Subject: [Gimp-user] crop visible layers

Dear Developers,

It'll be useful if we can crop layers based on visibility. AFAIK gimp only capable crop current selected only. Thank you

Best Regards,Aditia A. Pratama
CG Artist & Compositor

Can you give an example of how this should work?

-- Stratadrake
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

2013-02-22 08:23:52 UTC (about 12 years ago)

crop visible layers

On 02/21/2013 06:40 PM, Richard Gitschlag wrote:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 16:26:05 +0700 From:
Subject: [Gimp-user] crop visible layers

Dear Developers,

It'll be useful if we can crop layers based on visibility. AFAIK gimp only capable crop current selected only. Thank you

-- Best Regards,

_*Aditia A. Pratama*_ /CG Artist & Compositor/

Can you give an example of how this should work?

Not really what the OP asks for, but I can't help notice that the Crop tool used in "Layer" mode doesn't crop linked layers as the other Transform tools do.