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Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

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Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing) latinojuan 03 Jan 19:57
  Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing) Gary Aitken 04 Jan 05:04
   Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing) latinojuan 04 Jan 18:18
    Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing) Gary Aitken 05 Jan 01:04
     Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing) latinojuan 10 Jan 18:13
2013-01-03 19:57:06 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

Hello, I am clicking on a layer in GIMP, and when I click on the text tool, this dialog pops up "CONFIRM TEXT EDITING" "the layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these modifications. You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from its text attributes."

with 3 options, Create New layer, Cancel, and Edit

however, no matter what I click, it doesn't let me create new text anywhere.

ALSO, it seems to jump from the layer i selected to another layer whenever I click "EDIT."

SO frustrating.

What is weird is that I was able to create new text prior to this, but not anymore.

if it helps, I am editing a photoshop document, but it's now saved as XCF.

also, it's gimp 2.8.0

any help is appreciated!

Gary Aitken
2013-01-04 05:04:04 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

On 01/03/13 12:57, latinojuan wrote:

Hello, I am clicking on a layer in GIMP, and when I click on the text tool, this dialog pops up
"CONFIRM TEXT EDITING" "the layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these modifications. You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from its text attributes."

with 3 options, Create New layer, Cancel, and Edit

however, no matter what I click, it doesn't let me create new text anywhere.

ALSO, it seems to jump from the layer i selected to another layer whenever I click "EDIT."

SO frustrating.

What is weird is that I was able to create new text prior to this, but not anymore.

if it helps, I am editing a photoshop document, but it's now saved as XCF.

also, it's gimp 2.8.0

any help is appreciated!

It appears to work as advertised to me, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Here's the behavior I see:

I created a text layer and then rotated the layer 90 degrees using Layer/Transform

When I select the text layer, and select the text tool, and then click on the text layer in the image, the dialog you refer to pops up.

If I select "Create New Layer", the original text layer is left unchanged, and a new layer containing the same text as the original layer is added, and I can edit it as a normal text layer because it is new and has only plain text and has not been modified in a manner which renders the text itself "uneditable". For example, I can change the wording of the text itself.

If I select "Edit", the original text layer is reverted to its last state where it was plain text (in this case, back to horizontal text instead of the rotated text), and I can edit that as a normal text layer. As in the other option, I can change the wording of the text itself. The difference between the two buttons is that one leaves the original text as is and creates an additional text layer, and the other uses the original layer.

Is this not the behavior you are seeing? What is the behavior you are expecting? GIMP is currently not able to modify the text itself (i.e. change the text itself) once it has been modified in a manner such as rotation.


2013-01-04 18:18:49 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

Hey, thanks for the reply.

i think it has something to do w/ the layer underneath being so big that everywhere that i am clicking, GIMP thinks i want to change the current settings in the text or something.

because if i click off of the canvas, then it lets me add new text. apparently, it has something to do w/ the layer size. it seems like all of the layers are 780x1280...

here is the link to the file i am editing...

i think i am going to just recreate everything in Inkscape, that program makes a lot more sense in my mind than GIMP.

It appears to work as advertised to me, so I'm not sure what the issue is.
Here's the behavior I see:

I created a text layer and then rotated the layer 90 degrees using Layer/Transform

When I select the text layer, and select the text tool, and then click on the
text layer in the image, the dialog you refer to pops up.

If I select "Create New Layer", the original text layer is left unchanged,
and a new layer containing the same text as the original layer is added,
and I can edit it as a normal text layer because it is new and has only plain
text and has not been modified in a manner which renders the text itself
"uneditable". For example, I can change the wording of the text itself.

If I select "Edit", the original text layer is reverted to its last state
where it was plain text (in this case, back to horizontal text instead of
the rotated text), and I can edit that as a normal text layer. As in the
other option, I can change the wording of the text itself. The difference
between the two buttons is that one leaves the original text as is and creates an additional text layer, and the other uses the original layer.

Is this not the behavior you are seeing? What is the behavior you are expecting? GIMP is currently not able to modify the text itself (i.e. change the text
itself) once it has been modified in a manner such as rotation.


Gary Aitken
2013-01-05 01:04:40 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

On 01/04/13 11:18, latinojuan wrote:

i think it has something to do w/ the layer underneath being so big that everywhere that i am clicking, GIMP thinks i want to change the current settings in the text or something.

because if i click off of the canvas, then it lets me add new text. apparently, it has something to do w/ the layer size. it seems like all of the layers are 780x1280...

I see. In the layers panel, try making the text layer which has the big text on it invisible (click on the eye). That should allow you to add new text.


It appears to work as advertised to me, so I'm not sure what the issue is.
Here's the behavior I see:

I created a text layer and then rotated the layer 90 degrees using Layer/Transform

When I select the text layer, and select the text tool, and then click on the
text layer in the image, the dialog you refer to pops up.

If I select "Create New Layer", the original text layer is left unchanged,
and a new layer containing the same text as the original layer is added,
and I can edit it as a normal text layer because it is new and has only plain
text and has not been modified in a manner which renders the text itself
"uneditable". For example, I can change the wording of the text itself.

If I select "Edit", the original text layer is reverted to its last state
where it was plain text (in this case, back to horizontal text instead of
the rotated text), and I can edit that as a normal text layer. As in the
other option, I can change the wording of the text itself. The difference
between the two buttons is that one leaves the original text as is and creates an additional text layer, and the other uses the original layer.

Is this not the behavior you are seeing? What is the behavior you are expecting? GIMP is currently not able to modify the text itself (i.e. change the text
itself) once it has been modified in a manner such as rotation.


2013-01-10 18:13:52 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Cannot Add New Text (confirm text editing)

I see. In the layers panel, try making the text layer which has the big
text on it invisible (click on the eye). That should allow you to add new


okay, thanks for your help, in the end, it was easier for me just to recreate everything in Inkscape. It took less time to do that than for me to edit 1 layer in GIMP. Inkscape makes much more sense to me, lol.

Also, the way I created the Layers, it's much more clean now. 4 layers.