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Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

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Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP torreyproctor 17 Sep 12:47
  Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Patrick Shanahan 17 Sep 13:12
  Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Richard Gitschlag 17 Sep 13:57
  Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Jehan Pagès 17 Sep 16:46
  Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Marathon7 07 Dec 20:23
   Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Patrick Shanahan 07 Dec 20:47
   Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Partha Bagchi 07 Dec 20:58
    Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Marathon7 07 Dec 21:30
     Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Partha Bagchi 07 Dec 21:53
      Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP Marathon7 07 Dec 23:24
2012-09-17 12:47:35 UTC (over 12 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?

Patrick Shanahan
2012-09-17 13:12:45 UTC (over 12 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

* torreyproctor [09-17-12 08:48]:

Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP.

It works with mine on openSUSE 12.2+Tumbleweed. Just had to plug it in.

Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?

Don't know about mac

Richard Gitschlag
2012-09-17 13:57:04 UTC (over 12 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

It is a known bug that GIMP completely fail to detect a tablet that does in fact exist during its startup process (and there is no way to make GIMP re-check its input devices besides closing GIMP and restarting). To check if this is the case with you, try running your pen across the tablet for a second or two before you actually start GIMP (or access your GIMP shortcut via tablet pen).

It may not be the problem, but if this step works then you have a pretty easy workaround at your disposal.

-- Stratadrake
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 14:47:35 +0200 From:
Subject: [Gimp-user] Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?

-- torreyproctor (via
_______________________________________________ gimp-user-list mailing list

Jehan Pagès
2012-09-17 16:46:41 UTC (over 12 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP


On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:47 PM, torreyproctor wrote:

Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?

I have a Wacom Bamboo, and I have Gimp from the source repository. So I can confirm it works well in the last version. :-)

There are 2 tricks.

1/ As someone said, you may have to plug your tablet *before* starting Gimp.

But I doubt this is your issue. My bet is:

2/ Go in Edit > Input Devices. You should see a list of devices showing up in the list for your tablet, ie: Wacom Bamboo
Wacom Bamboo cursor/erasor/pad/stylus

Go into each one of them. By default, the mode will be "Disabled". Change it to "Screen".
After you have changed all of them, "Save" and "Close". Try again. You'll have pressure sensitivity. Enjoy. :-)


torreyproctor (via
_______________________________________________ gimp-user-list mailing list

2013-12-07 20:23:49 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?

I tried really hard to get my Wacom Intous4 table connected with GIMP 2.8.10 under MAC OSX 10.9. However it is not recognized by GIMP - (all other programs I used can detect the driver correctly). Also I updated the Wacom driver to the newest version - without any effect.

What confuses me is that it some Forums it's mentioned that XQuartz is necessary to run GIMP and a tablet, in some comments it's confirmed that it's not needed anymore...

Also it's interesting, that some users can use their Wacom Intous3 tablet with GIMP 2.8.... which gives me hope that there is a trick...

Any hint ? Anyone?

Greetings from Finland ! Marathon7

Patrick Shanahan
2013-12-07 20:47:21 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

* Marathon7 [12-07-13 15:26]:

I tried really hard to get my Wacom Intous4 table connected with GIMP 2.8.10 under MAC OSX 10.9. However it is not recognized by GIMP - (all other programs I used can detect the driver correctly). Also I updated the Wacom driver to the newest version - without any effect.

What confuses me is that it some Forums it's mentioned that XQuartz is necessary to run GIMP and a tablet, in some comments it's confirmed that it's not needed anymore...

Also it's interesting, that some users can use their Wacom Intous3 tablet with GIMP 2.8.... which gives me hope that there is a trick...

Apparently a problem with the mac build or mac environment as I have no problem at all with my Bamboo tablet with gimp 2.8.[6,8,10] on openSUSE KDE Tumbleweed.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri        Photo Album:
Registered Linux User #207535                    @
Partha Bagchi
2013-12-07 20:58:37 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Download McGimp 2.8.10 from my website, and let me know if you still have issues.

Thanks, Partha

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Marathon7 wrote:

Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?

I tried really hard to get my Wacom Intous4 table connected with GIMP 2.8.10
under MAC OSX 10.9.
However it is not recognized by GIMP - (all other programs I used can detect the
driver correctly).
Also I updated the Wacom driver to the newest version - without any effect.

What confuses me is that it some Forums it's mentioned that XQuartz is necessary
to run GIMP and a tablet,
in some comments it's confirmed that it's not needed anymore...

Also it's interesting, that some users can use their Wacom Intous3 tablet with
GIMP 2.8.... which gives me hope that there is a trick...

Any hint ? Anyone?

Greetings from Finland ! Marathon7

Marathon7 (via _______________________________________________ gimp-user-list mailing list
List address: List membership:

2013-12-07 21:30:01 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Download McGimp 2.8.10 from my website, and let me know if
you still have issues.

Thanks, Partha

Hi Partha, many thanks for your quick answer - I do appreciate! I downloaded the 64 bit version of the Gimp 2.8.10 from your website, deinstalled my old Gimp and started the new version. No changes. Then I restarted my MAC again - no changes again. I always plug in the tablet before I start Gimp with my pen.

I just wonder what we can do to improve this... There is not much on the Wacom Forum as well...

Thanks again for your effort !



Partha Bagchi
2013-12-07 21:53:47 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Do you have the Mac drivers installed/loaded btw?

I just tried it and did not have any issues with pressure sensitivity or starting a new painting etc.

Does your mouse pointer not move at all when you move the pen?

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Marathon7 wrote:

Download McGimp 2.8.10 from my website, and let me know if
you still have issues.

Thanks, Partha

Hi Partha, many thanks for your quick answer - I do appreciate! I downloaded the 64 bit version of the Gimp 2.8.10 from your website, deinstalled my old Gimp and started the new version. No changes. Then I restarted my MAC again - no changes again. I always plug in the tablet before I
start Gimp with my pen.

I just wonder what we can do to improve this... There is not much on the Wacom
Forum as well...

Thanks again for your effort !



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-- Marathon7 (via _______________________________________________ gimp-user-list mailing list
List address: List membership:

2013-12-07 23:24:57 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Wacom Tablet not working with GIMP

Do you have the Mac drivers installed/loaded btw?

Hi again,

Yes, I installed MacOSX - Driver 6.3.7-3 (10.6x - 10.9x)

I just tried it and did not have any issues with pressure sensitivity or
starting a new painting etc.

Does your mouse pointer not move at all when you move the pen?

The pointer or pen do work in such a way that I can draw lines. Also the eraser works, as well as one pen button. However all other functions of the tablet are not supported - because not detected. Like the touch ring, e.g. to manipulate the brush size, or turn the picture, zoom in etc.

Only rudimentary functions are working.

