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Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

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Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Kevin Brubeck Unhammer 17 Apr 05:48
  Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Patrick Horgan 17 Apr 18:15
   Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Akkana Peck 22 Apr 02:31
    Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Michael J. Hammel 22 Apr 16:12
     Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Daniel Smith 22 Apr 17:48
      Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Alexandre Prokoudine 22 Apr 17:59
       Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Olivier 23 Apr 07:57
      Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Owen 22 Apr 21:22
       Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Steve Kinney 22 Apr 23:24
Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Kevin Brubeck Unhammer 23 Apr 08:15
  Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Daniel Smith 23 Apr 16:25
   Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Alexandre Prokoudine 23 Apr 16:29
   Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition Daniel Smith 23 Apr 16:35
Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
2012-04-17 05:48:18 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

Hi, just throught I'd plug a review of a GIMP 2.8 book I did here:


Patrick Horgan
2012-04-17 18:15:05 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

On 04/16/2012 10:48 PM, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:

Hi, just throught I'd plug a review of a GIMP 2.8 book I did here:

I loved an earlier version of that book. Can't wait to read it. I see that Akkana's book is out in a 3rd Edition in the UK but not yet released in the US?


Akkana Peck
2012-04-22 02:31:04 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

Patrick Horgan writes:

On 04/16/2012 10:48 PM, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:

Hi, just throught I'd plug a review of a GIMP 2.8 book I did here:

I loved an earlier version of that book. Can't wait to read it. I see that Akkana's book is out in a 3rd Edition in the UK but not yet released in the US?

There's no third edition of Beginning GIMP anywhere, at this point -- at least, if there is, it's news to me! Though I may be starting work on one soon, if all goes well.

I'm glad to hear there's a new "Artist's Guide" out -- I have the earlier edition and quite like it.


Michael J. Hammel
2012-04-22 16:12:24 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 19:31 -0700, Akkana Peck wrote:

I'm glad to hear there's a new "Artist's Guide" out -- I have the earlier edition and quite like it.

Glad you liked it. The 2nd edition goes to the printer this week. The best news (from my perspective) is that the paper will be better, meaning the darker images will be easier to see (though I tried to lighten them up a bit for this edition anyway).

Akkana, if you want a copy for review I can get you one. The publisher has been asking me to find some reviewers.

Daniel Smith
2012-04-22 17:48:27 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

Alexandre Prokoudine
2012-04-22 17:59:32 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

There are very few books on GIMP that cover advanced techniques. Sad but true.

Among recent ones that have both intro and advanced info I'd recommend "GIMP 2.6 for photographers" by Klaus Goelker (see for my review).

Alexandre Prokoudine

2012-04-22 21:22:54 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

I have a book called Grokking the Gimp by Carey Bunks, and available for on line reading at

It was written against gimp-1.2, however it contains lots of theory and other esoteric material to warrant its place in a list of Gimp books.


Steve Kinney
2012-04-22 23:24:14 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

On 04/22/2012 05:22 PM, Owen wrote:

I have a book called Grokking the Gimp by Carey Bunks, and available for on line reading at

It was written against gimp-1.2, however it contains lots of theory and other esoteric material to warrant its place in a list of Gimp books.

+1 on that - Grokking the Gimp was my first GIMP textbook and it was invaluable. Probably not the very best thing for beginners, because GIMP 1.2 is primitive compared to current versions, and the menu system is waaay diferent. But "some things never change" and Carey covers some concepts and techniques that I have not seen elsewhere.

I received an advance copy of the new Artist's Guide but I have not had a chance to actually read the thing in detail yet. On my first pass through, I was impressed: It covers the right topics in the right order to provide a very natural learning process - very similar to my own early efforts in fact. I will put up a "proper" review on sometime in the next week or two & announce it here on teh list.



2012-04-23 07:57:14 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

2012/4/22 Alexandre Prokoudine :

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

There are very few books on GIMP that cover advanced techniques. Sad but true.

Among recent ones that have both intro and advanced info I'd recommend "GIMP 2.6 for photographers" by Klaus Goelker (see for my review).

I'm finishing a new book, to be published next summer. See for the cover design and a short presentation, all of them made by the publisher, No Starch. I hope the publication date announced by Amazon (August 29) is pessimistic.

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
2012-04-23 08:15:29 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

Alexandre Prokoudine writes:

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

There are very few books on GIMP that cover advanced techniques. Sad but true.

If you have a good colour printer I guess you could print out =P


Daniel Smith
2012-04-23 16:25:05 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

Thanks for all the references (and any others that still may show). Just for archive/reference, I was going to mention the Packt book they have on Gimp, but a search there showed two others that use Gimp for architecture or with Blender: Thanks again.

On 4/23/12, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:

Alexandre Prokoudine writes:

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

There are very few books on GIMP that cover advanced techniques. Sad but true.

If you have a good colour printer I guess you could print out =P


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Alexandre Prokoudine
2012-04-23 16:29:30 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

Thanks for all the references (and any others that still may show). Just for archive/reference, I was going to mention the Packt book they have on Gimp, but a search there showed two others that use Gimp for architecture or with Blender: Thanks again.

Personally I wasn't really happy with "GIMP 2.6 cookbook". It reused quite a lot of available tutorials without even mentioning authors.

Alexandre Prokoudine

Daniel Smith
2012-04-23 16:35:14 UTC (almost 13 years ago)

Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

and, I am amazed to see all the gimp books on amazon! didn't even know.

On 4/23/12, Daniel Smith wrote:

Thanks for all the references (and any others that still may show). Just for archive/reference, I was going to mention the Packt book they have on Gimp, but a search there showed two others that use Gimp for architecture or with Blender: Thanks again.

On 4/23/12, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:

Alexandre Prokoudine writes:

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

While we're on this topic, can anyone mention any other best Gimp books they might know of? (Not to detract from the ones mentioned already, but I am already planning on getting them and would like to know any others.) Gotta get up to speed with any advanced techniques I can find. I've often found these books give a great quick method into areas of the programs you might overlook.

There are very few books on GIMP that cover advanced techniques. Sad but true.

If you have a good colour printer I guess you could print out =P


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