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Single rounded corner

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Single rounded corner Rich06 11 Apr 15:09
  Single rounded corner Matt Hines 11 Apr 15:12
  Single rounded corner Antoine Vairet 11 Apr 17:05
  Single rounded corner Antoine Vairet 11 Apr 17:08
Single rounded corner Kevin Brubeck Unhammer 11 Apr 17:08
  Single rounded corner Rich06 13 Apr 14:32
2011-04-11 15:09:19 UTC (almost 14 years ago)

Single rounded corner

Newbie question here... I need to create some simple filled rectangles however with a single corner being rounded and transparent so background shows through the rounded part of the corner. I found some tutorials to round all corners but not just the one corner...

I tried creating a rectangle, filling it with color then using an eraser but it wasn't transparent. I also tried selecting just the corner I wanted to round and using shrink/grow but that just didnt work.

I am sure it can be done simply but I just don't have the experience/knowledge on how to do it...

Thanks for any pointers Rich

Matt Hines
2011-04-11 15:12:43 UTC (almost 14 years ago)

Single rounded corner

you can try creating a rounded rectangle, then select another tool, reselct the rectangle tool, remove the rounded corner, and then hand add the corners using an added rectangle for each of the other 3 corners (if that makes sense)

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Rich06 wrote:

Newbie question here... I need to create some simple filled rectangles however with a single corner being rounded and transparent so background shows through the rounded part of the corner. I found some tutorials to round all corners but not just the one corner...

I tried creating a rectangle, filling it with color then using an eraser but it wasn't transparent.
I also tried selecting just the corner I wanted to round and using shrink/grow but that just didnt work.

I am sure it can be done simply but I just don't have the experience/knowledge on how to do it...

Thanks for any pointers Rich

Rich06 (via
_______________________________________________ Gimp-user mailing list

Antoine Vairet
2011-04-11 17:05:47 UTC (almost 14 years ago)

Single rounded corner

Your layer should have an alpha channel to handle transparencies. Right clic on the layer/add alpha channel

Le 11/04/2011 17:09, Rich06 a écrit :

Newbie question here... I need to create some simple filled rectangles however with a single corner being rounded and transparent so background shows through the rounded part of the corner. I found some tutorials to round all corners but not just the one corner...

I tried creating a rectangle, filling it with color then using an eraser but it wasn't transparent. I also tried selecting just the corner I wanted to round and using shrink/grow but that just didnt work.

I am sure it can be done simply but I just don't have the experience/knowledge on how to do it...

Thanks for any pointers Rich

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
2011-04-11 17:08:19 UTC (almost 14 years ago)

Single rounded corner

Rich06 writes:

Newbie question here... I need to create some simple filled rectangles however with a single corner being rounded and transparent so background shows through the rounded part of the corner. I found some tutorials to round all corners but not just the one corner...

- New image

- Filters→Decor→Rounded Corners

- (Perhaps delete the drop shadow and the new transparent background, Image→Fit to layers)

- Fill/paint over the three corners you don't want

- Image→Scale Canvas to whatever size you want

I tried creating a rectangle, filling it with color then using an eraser but it wasn't transparent.

Your layer needs an alpha channel. Right-click the layer and add alpha channel (not sure why it's called "add alpha channel" instead of "enable transparency"...). Rounded Corners adds an alpha channel automatically though.


Antoine Vairet
2011-04-11 17:08:43 UTC (almost 14 years ago)

Single rounded corner

Your layer should have an alpha channel to handle transparencies. Right clic on the layer/add alpha channel

Le 11/04/2011 17:09, Rich06 a écrit :

Newbie question here... I need to create some simple filled rectangles however with a single corner being rounded and transparent so background shows through the rounded part of the corner. I found some tutorials to round all corners but not just the one corner...

I tried creating a rectangle, filling it with color then using an eraser but it wasn't transparent. I also tried selecting just the corner I wanted to round and using shrink/grow but that just didnt work.

I am sure it can be done simply but I just don't have the experience/knowledge on how to do it...

Thanks for any pointers Rich

Antoine Vairet
Gimp-user mailing list
2011-04-13 14:32:30 UTC (almost 14 years ago)

Single rounded corner

Rich06 writes:

- New image

- Filters→Decor→Rounded Corners

- (Perhaps delete the drop shadow and the new transparent background, Image→Fit to layers)

- Fill/paint over the three corners you don't want

- Image→Scale Canvas to whatever size you want


Thanks Kevin