Problem with plug-in-sample-colorize in batch mode
I want to sample colorize a lot (a few hundred) of black-and-white
images (scanned from negative and retouched and so on). I would like
to avoid doing it manually, so I searched and I discovered the batch
mode of the Gimp. I had a Scheme class about 15 years ago, and it
looks like I still remembered something.
With some help of some examples found on the net and the Gimp help, I
wrote the script:
(define (maarten-tiff-jpeg pattern
(let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1)))
(sampleimage (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
samplefilename samplefilename)))
(sampledrawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer sampleimage))))
(while (not (null? filelist))
(let* ((filename (car filelist))
(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
filename filename)))
(set! drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))
(plug-in-sample-colorize RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image
drawable sampledrawable TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE 0 255 1.0 0 255)
(set! fileparts (strbreakup filename "."))
(set! fileparts (butlast fileparts))
(set! filenamejpeg (string-append (unbreakupstr fileparts
".") ".jpg"))
(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable
filenamejpeg filenamejpeg)
(gimp-image-delete image))
(set! filelist (cdr filelist)))
(gimp-image-delete sampleimage)))
And it seems to work fine, except for the plug-in-sample-colorize
call. So it reads the tiff file and writes a jpeg file. I also tried
to explicitly convert the grayscale image to rgb before the
plug-in-sample-colorize call, but it doesn't really help (well, the
resulting jpeg file is a black and white rgb image in that case, so
the command is actually executed, but it is still not
Anybody any idea what I'm doing wrong?
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