font size
Quoting Kevin :
I'm trying to write a script to create text layers using the currently
selected font.
Is it possible to get the current font size, or to create a text
layer without having to specify a font size?
Not to my knowledge.
If your ultimate goal is to fit text within a certain area -- for
example sizing a label to fit on a button -- then you might find the
following function useful for determining your font size. It's not
pretty (but it works).
The fontsize% argument is a percentage value that allows you to
effectively specify a "padding" around the text. For example, 100%
means determine the largest fontsize possible such that the text will
fit within the boundaries. Note that most fonts already include some
padding around the characters (so you might find a value larger than
100 desirable).
Example: (set! fontsize (calc-fontsize "Hello" "Sans" 80 60 20))
(define (calc-fontsize text font fontsize% width height)
(let* (
(fontsize 6) ;; minimum possible fontsize
(extents nil)
(last-extents nil)
(last-fontsize 3)
(adjust 2)
(set! extents (gimp-text-get-extents-fontname text fontsize
PIXELS font))
(set! width (* width fontsize% 0.01))
(set! height (* height fontsize% 0.01))
(while (and (<> last-fontsize fontsize) (not (equal? extents
(if (or (> (car extents) width) (> (cadr extents) height))
(set! fontsize last-fontsize)
(set! adjust (+ (* (- adjust 1) 0.5) 1))
(set! last-extents extents)
(set! last-fontsize fontsize)
(set! fontsize (truncate (* fontsize adjust)))
(set! extents (gimp-text-get-extents-fontname text fontsize
PIXELS font))
(max fontsize 6)