misleading tut on gimp.org
Maybe a few lines of text went MIA ?
Should be a introdctive tutorial for new users, and start describing the GAP
GUI (this seems the sense of "Main interface ") also with a screenshoot , and
then explain the various option of this Main Interface"
The problem is that "Main Interface" do not exist, there is no such thing in
GAP...Instead there are lot of different plugin, each with its own Interface,
so would be hard find and open that interface, "Main Interface "
that is the " Move PATH " dialog !
it is easy to solve...just add back after INTENTION
2 screenshoot and the 2 missing lines and as here(sorry here for my bad
english )
1 screenshoot of the Filter menu
With Filter All Layers and FilterMacrO highlighted
2 screenshhot of the VIDEO menu expanded
with MOve Path highlighted
"GAP Will install a VIDEO Menu and add 2 more plugin in the FILTERS menu
(Filter all layers and MAcroFilter)
Now we focus our attention on "Move Path" because its "key" features...
and then as now