new to GIMP, anyone doing enhance or wavelet compress?
Just started playing with GIMP on debian and found the wavelet
plugin. Took a while to get it to build but when I finally
did thought this may be a useful platform for experimenting
with ideas I've had for a while. I guess my question is
does anyone use GIMP for algorithm development?
How has this worked out? I noticed you had some standard
filters for denoise and enhance etc. I wanted to play
with various approaches to improving image coherence
and then examine compression of the clean image
and error/noise component. To generate various figures
or merit or instrument this, what does GIMP provide?
I guess I could make a plugin that pops up a new
window with a series of measurements on the
new images but what facilities does GIMP provide
or is it easier to just save a processed image and
invoke measurement programs from command line?
On another topic, anyone looked at NOAA GOES IR
pictures of Gulf? Looks like you can find something that may be
the oil slick if you play with contrast a bit but hard to
line up with NASA images.
note new address
Mike Marchywka
1975 Village Round
Marietta GA 30064
415-264-8477 (w)
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