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SOLVED - copy resynthesizer plugin from 2.6 to 2.7

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copy resynthesizer plugin from 2.6 to 2.7 Carusoswi 09 Jan 18:57
  SOLVED - copy resynthesizer plugin from 2.6 to 2.7 Carusoswi 10 Jan 16:10
2010-01-09 18:57:03 UTC (about 15 years ago)

copy resynthesizer plugin from 2.6 to 2.7

So, I downloaded the Resynthesizer plugin using the apt command, and it successfully installed into my 2.6 Gimp.

In the past, I have located previous plugin files and copied them to the /opt equivalent directories in order to install them for use in my 2.7 Gimp setup.

I know this plugin was successfully installed in 2.6 because I know have its tasks showing up in my Filters->Enhance drop-down menu.

When I navigate to the /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins folder, I see a file called RESYNTH, but the date is from 2008 (I expected it to carry today's date).

Regardless, when I copied it to my /opt/gimp-2.7/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins folder and fired up 2.7, the Filters-Enhance options do not appear (Smart Sharpen, Smart Removal, etc).

Do I have the wrong file copied or what.

Advice would be most appreciated.



2010-01-10 16:10:57 UTC (about 15 years ago)

SOLVED - copy resynthesizer plugin from 2.6 to 2.7

Ok, I have it working now. I don't understand why there are two storage locations for each of the installations of Gimp on my machine, but by carefully following the paths listed by each under Edit-->Preferences-->Folders, I was able to figure out what to copy to which folder.

. . . not that difficult if you are patient, persistent, and have the time to explore.

BTW, the Smart Remove was crashing on my machine. I surfed the web and found (I believe at the Gimp Plug-in Registry site, sorry, my Firefox crashed before I could bookmark the site) Smart-Remove.scm version that fixed my crashing. It installs itself with the menu entry Filters-->Enhance-->Heal selection as opposed to Smart-remove, although the name of the script has not changed.

I'm sure this is old hat for most of you on this forum, but, perhaps by posting, I can help someone just sorting this out for the first time save a little stress and time figuring it out.
