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Fwd: Re: How To Install Gimp Help

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Fwd: Re: How To Install Gimp Help doug 22 Dec 21:29
  Fwd: Re: How To Install Gimp Help Martijn Weisbeek 22 Dec 22:26
2009-12-22 21:29:12 UTC (about 15 years ago)

Fwd: Re: How To Install Gimp Help

I'm forwarding this to the list to throw it open for more people's help


-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] How To Install Gimp Help Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 15:11:10 +0000 (GMT) From: PETER GOODCHILD
To: doug

Hi,Peter here,
I'm actually learning to make leaded stained glass windows. I have a SG program called GlassEye 2000 Pro + this has a nifty feature called auto trace. The SG pattern I'm using to make my front door sidelights comes from a book. I used another SG program called Rapid Resizer to enlarge the pattern. When I printed it out the outline, it had very jagged edges. I'm about to teach myself trace cutting using scrap glass. One places the glass directly on the pattern. Then uses the glass cutter... to trace cut.
With the jagged edges not so great, need a nice clean line with a uniform width. I looked into the problem a bit. Then thought I had a printing problem called ink bleed. Anyway I went down this avenue following this train of thought for a while, bit of a dead end. I then found out how to use auto trace in GlassEye , bit like scaleable vectors I've started to find out about. I looked at the pattern in the book with a magnifying glass and I could see some jagged edges on the outline. Rapid Resizer must be enlarging everything, including the jaggedness. Auto trace sorts the problem out and will print out pattern with nice clean lines.
Hope you are all still with me :) Anyway, bla, bla. Along the way I contacted Protonic free expert tech support. The tech told me not ink bleed, he refered me to a few links, one included Inkscape, scaleable vectoring which I thought would come in handy. I also saw another SG worker who said on a forum the PowerTrace function in Corel Graphics Suite X4 home and student edition was awesome and PowerTrace was used by top professional SG workers. I was up for buying it, I asked Protonic for their opinion. They thought I'm be better off saving my money, using The Gimp for bitmaps, the Inkscape for vectoring. I wanted to make SG patterns from colour photos. I know a little about computers, upgraded CPU sort of thing. Everest diagnostic software.
The Gimp has a lot of seems to me computer speak terms, like compiling and terms like that,. Which is just beyond me just goes right over my head. In your experience will I be able to use The Gimp with Inkscape to make b & w patterns from colour photos?

--- On *Tue, 22/12/09, doug //* wrote:

From: doug Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] How To Install Gimp Help To: gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU Date: Tuesday, 22 December, 2009, 12:21

Apologies, my intentions were misunderstood.

On 21/12/09 23:12, Martijn Weisbeek wrote:


> tar xvjf gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2 > do anything for you?

What if this person is not a Linux user and not very fond of doing things on the command line ?
I guess that if he does not like computer speak he might have downloaded the wrong help package.

Fair enough. I'd assumed if he found and downloaded a linux package he has some basic knowledge of the command line; and having untarrred the file and seeing what was in it, people could give further help.

Sorry if that was not the case.


Peter, if you are running GIMP on Windows you could try installing a help package from this page:

Kind regards,


On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:44 PM, doug > wrote:

tar xvjf gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2 do anything for you?


On 21/12/09 18:46, PETER GOODCHILD wrote:

Seasons Greetings,
I downloaded gimp-2.6.7. No help manual in it, I then downloaded gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2. I tried to open it no luck. It is a bz2 compressed file format. Visited the bz2 page it is all in computer speak, makes no sense to me at all.
Please how do I install the help manual into Gimp? Thanks.

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Martijn Weisbeek
2009-12-22 22:26:00 UTC (about 15 years ago)

Fwd: Re: How To Install Gimp Help


The "computer speak" that surrounds GIMP mostly comes from its background in the Linux (Unix) world.
Previously one had to build (compile) their own system, but those systems have matured (by using package management systems). Currently there is a multitude of flavours (distributions) to suit everyone's need.

For years there is also a GIMP version for Windows, so do not need to install another operating system (although I still encourage everyone to do so ;-).
I think the people on the online forums and mailing lists can certainly help you to get the best out of this software.

GIMP is generally seen as the free Photoshop clone. It takes some time to get used to it, but once you have this knowledge you can continue using it. Future upgrades of GIMP remain free, so you can use what other people have already made available.

GIMP currently has some awesome scripts and plugins to help you achieve results.
If you can provide some examples of what you would like to achieve, then people on this list can provide samples of scripts/plugins that you can use for it.

BTW, I once wrote this article about getting started with GIMP: With GIMP 2.6 it is already outdated and needs upgrading. but you can still learn from it the basics of working with GIMP.

Kind regards,
