How to install? -- was How to despeckle?
I have downloaded G'MIC and unzipped it, but it's not clear how to
install it. I would guess that it should simply be copied
to /usr/lib64/gimp/2.0/plug-ins, but this procedure doesn't seem to be
documented anywhere. Or maybe it's better to copy it to
$HOME/.gimp-2.6/plug-ins . Or maybe something else.
Hard to tell without know your OS
Anyway the old Greycstoration plugin still work very well in gimp 2.6
Gmic is much more, it include other 300 filters and may look more complex (even if has a better Gui then GreyC )..a price for all the options that may offer) ..
*BTW:* How carefully are the plugins in the Gimp
Plugin Registry checked
for trojans, etc?
As Michael says are not checked at all
But similar problem will be quickly reported, as comment or here, or in some gimp forum
And till now as far i know was not a single case of infected files