On Friday 02 October 2009 01:08:38 pm you wrote:
Except it won't work. I tried to unsubscribe a few weeks ago and it
failed, but I do not care as much as the original poster!
oops, you're correct. the berkley list doesn't accept my login, even though
they reminded me of my subscription, including my password (in plain text)
just yesterday.
you can unsubscribe via URL command in your email, though. to get a list of
commands with instructions, send an email to with the single word "help" in the email
at , at the very
bottom of the form, you can enter your email address and arrive at another
form (that's the one where login isn't working). at the bottom of that form
there's a button to "unsubscribe." didn't try that, since i do not want to
unsubscribe, and since this list doesn't seem to always work, i didn't want
to try.
in any case, it's not the gimp users list's fault; if the OP feels he should
harrass someone, he should go to the berkley list maintainers...
PS: sorry for sending this message to simon separately. in addition to not
accepting logins, the berkley list seems to mess up the reply-to field in the
header, too. with all other lists i'm subscribed to, replies go to the list,
not to the poster...