Saluton, (Michal Maru¹ka) skribis:
Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:
With sawfish 1.3 CVS, a mouse click on a window sends a
leave_notify_event and a enter_notify_event to the window first,
before sending the button_press_event. This is quite annoying, as it
breaks cut and paste and clicking in browser (mozilla) popup divs.
The source of this is the grab.
This page explains it:
Too technical for me.
So, either the app should ignore those events (quoting from that page)
"with the mode members of the XEnterWindowEvent
and XLeaveWindowEvent structures set to NotifyGrab."
Is that a workaround, or is it the correct way for X-apps to work? And if so do they have to do it themselves or are the toolkits at fault.
or you should instruct Sawfish not to grab the click events (on those windows).
for example:
(unbind-keys window-keymap "Button1-Click")
Doesn't work for me, but maybe I have a different problem: I have some windows, like the Gimp 1.3 toolbox (with every subdialog swallowed) and the formats-window autoshaded (i.e. drops down as soon as the mouse is on title bar) and raised to a higher level.
Gimp menus from the menubar work, they come, when I click them and go, but they window stays there as long as the mouse is in it. But it gets confused on dropdown or context menus. For these, the window gets shaded, and I get a popup menu in the middle of nowhere. But the menus work at least.
OOo 1.1 never works. As soon as I try to get a context menu, or the dropdown at the bottom, sawfish pipes in and shades the window. Now OOo either doesn't get the click, or more likely doesn't know what to do with it. This doesn't happen with normals clicks that won't popup a menu. To get a context menu, I must first permanently unshade the window (and reshade it afterwards because it's terribly in the way).
coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer