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Two Gimp environment questions

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Two Gimp environment questions DJ 21 Apr 03:21
  Two Gimp environment questions David Gowers 21 Apr 06:57
Two Gimp environment questions Alchemie foto\\grafiche 22 Apr 16:33
  Two Gimp environment questions DJ 22 Apr 21:49
Two Gimp environment questions Alchemie foto\\grafiche 23 Apr 15:11
  Two Gimp environment questions David Gowers 23 Apr 15:19
  Two Gimp environment questions DJ 23 Apr 19:39
Two Gimp environment questions Alchemie foto\\grafiche 23 Apr 15:27
2009-04-21 03:21:27 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

Hi Gimp-user,

* One *

I was just trying things out and noticed some errors when I start Gimp from the Linux command line. They don't seem to be causing any problems, but I was wondering if anyone knew what they were.

If I take one for example, "/././.gimp-2.6/patterns/". This directory is in Gimp's Preferences. I see the patterns in the Pattern Dialog. I can open up the patterns from Gimp's File Dialog. So why the "fail to load"? HHMmm... :-)

* Messages * GIMP-Error: Failed to load data:
Image file '/././.gimp-2.6/patterns/extras' contains no data

GIMP-Error: Failed to load data: Fatal parse error in palette file '/././.gimp-2.6/palettes/gps': Read error in line 1.

GIMP-Error: Failed to load data: Fatal parse error in gradient file '/././.gimp-2.6/gradients/web2.0': Read error in line 1

* Two *

Awhile back, I installed the FX-Foundry. I was looking at the Gimp Registry and noticed there seemed to be some duplication. For example, Quick Sketch.

In FX-Foundry, the name is: phillips-quick-sketch.scm Last update according to internal comments: 9/9/2007

In Gimp-Registry, the name is: quick-sketch_0.scm Last update according to internal comments: 2/9/2009 The changes made by a different person than the originator.

Should I expect to see duplication between FX-Foundry and the Gimp Registry? The Gimp Registry is the "official" add-on location, correct?

Link: Link:

Thank you.

David Gowers
2009-04-21 06:57:06 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

Hi DJ,

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:51 AM, DJ wrote:

Hi Gimp-user,

* One *

I was just trying things out and noticed some errors when I start Gimp from the Linux command line.  They don't seem to be causing any problems, but I was wondering if anyone knew what they were.

If I take one for example, "/././.gimp-2.6/patterns/". This directory is in Gimp's Preferences.  I see the patterns in the Pattern Dialog. I can open up the patterns from Gimp's File Dialog. So why the "fail to load"? HHMmm... :-)

* Messages * GIMP-Error: Failed to load data:
Image file '/././.gimp-2.6/patterns/extras' contains no data

GIMP-Error: Failed to load data: Fatal parse error in palette file '/././.gimp-2.6/palettes/gps': Read error in line 1.

GIMP-Error: Failed to load data: Fatal parse error in gradient file '/././.gimp-2.6/gradients/web2.0': Read error in line 1

What this means is that, opening a directory as if it is a file will not yield sensible results, and naturally these directories do not make sense when you try to read them as if they were gradient files :)

* Two *

Awhile back, I installed the FX-Foundry. I was looking at the Gimp Registry and noticed there seemed to be some duplication. For example, Quick Sketch.

In FX-Foundry, the name is: phillips-quick-sketch.scm Last update according to internal comments: 9/9/2007

In Gimp-Registry, the name is: quick-sketch_0.scm Last update according to internal comments: 2/9/2009 The changes made by a different person than the originator.

Should I expect to see duplication between FX-Foundry and the Gimp Registry? The Gimp Registry is the "official" add-on location, correct?

Fx Foundry is itself available on the GIMP Registry, so.. I'm not sure what else to say...
FX Foundry is a collection of scripts, some of which were sourced from the GIMP Registry; some of them have been updated to be compatible with GIMP 2.6 as needed. If you believe that the FX-Foundry version is out of date, consider mailing the creator of FX-Foundry about this.

I have looked at it myself, and it appears that certain aspects of the registry version are improved on the FX-Foundry version. In particular, the registry version, rather than converting the image to grayscale, only desaturates the current layer. So it might be worth mentioning this to the maintainer, Alexia Death (though she may see this anyway :) I know she's subscribed to the gimp-developer ML, not sure about the gimp-user ML)


Alchemie foto\\grafiche
2009-04-22 16:33:22 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

I may answer only to question 2 this

In FX-Foundry, the name is: phillips-quick-sketch.scm Last update according to internal comments: 9/9/2007

In Gimp-Registry, the name is: quick-sketch_0.scm Last update according to internal comments: 2/9/2009 The changes made by a different person than the originator.

Should I expect to see duplication between FX-Foundry and the Gimp
Registry? The Gimp Registry is the "official" add-on location,

Link: Link:

Thank you.

FX Foundry constantly update scripts for newer Gimp version so 2 very different thing may happen

1) in case of not more maintained script (that means very often) the FX-foundry version is the most up to date

2) in the opposite case, when the script author is taking care to maintain and update his scripts then may happen the opposite, that his version is the most up to date

About the "officiality" of the plugin registry do not be confused, nobody obliged plugin developer to report there their plugin or script, many do, many other do not care,

in this last case user may help, if you check my account there you may see that i added to registry the FX-Foundry pack you refer, The Gimp Animation Package, the David Batch Processor ,UnsharpMask2, and several other plugin and script

I'm not the developer of any of them, when i somehow help was just to find compiled binary for Windows...But i added all them to the registry because they was missed

(obviously is better if is the author to add them to the registry, the point is if that do not happen, and the script/plugin is GPL, users may help,( obviously taking care of the credits, and to add a link to the author page ,if any)


For that you may use the fx-foundry -index, all fx-foundry scripts are tagged for name, author name and categorized ,that will help your search and help avoid to download duplicates of script that you already have, but under a slightly different names.

Note that 2 clone of same script simplify the concept 2 clones may kill each other so practically both will NOT work .(or only one randomly chosen will work, )

2009-04-22 21:49:13 UTC (over 15 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

Hi Alchemie and Gimp-Users:

Afg> I may answer only to question 2 this

Afg> FX Foundry constantly update scripts for newer Gimp version so 2 very different thing may happen

Afg> 1) in case of not more maintained script (that means very often) Afg> the FX-foundry version is the most up to date

Afg> 2) in the opposite case, when the script author is taking care Afg> to maintain and update his scripts then may happen the opposite, Afg> that his version is the most up to date

Thanks so much - boring questions for experts, I'm sure :-) Hopefully as I learn more, I'll be able to pass on the best information :-)

I sort of like the packaged idea of FX-Foundry, the consolidation of menus/submenus, but I think I get your point. Use Gimp Registry to get the parts, but if you want the whole, go to SourceForge. And then, only consider getting what you want.

I have many tutorials lined-up to go through. One gotcha, for me at least, the older tutorials and the variation of menus. I'm not so accustomed to Gimp that I know where everything is yet, without some thought. And with 2.6, in some cases, there seems to be better way (less key strokes, new feature), of doing things, imho.

Two basic actions that are coming clear: always check the Options of a Tool, and always know what is active in the Layers dialog :-) When I can't get something to work in the tutorial, it is usually because I have the wrong Layer active.

I got on the RSS Feed of the Gimp Registry. I thought it might be a good way to stay current and informed on a regular basis. I'll download an interesting script to try it out, maybe learn something in the process :-) I don't necessarily keep it. When I download a script, it isn't externally apparent where it will end up on Gimp's menu. I'll view the source, and scan to the bottom to find out where it will go. If I want to keep it, but it created another main menu, currently I'm changing it to go under an existing main menu/sub-menu item. I didn't know how the RSS Feed worked, and just assumed it was updated when a script was updated. Ooops. Oh well.

Regarding, "concept 2 clones may kill each other", I'm working under the assumption, that the order of the directories in the Edit / Preferences / Folders, determines which script or plug-in is used. The 2 arrows at the top of the panel change the order.

If I have my home directory before the system directory, the version in my home directory should take precedence. I've been making sub-directories, under my home directory, like:

Home Directory: home/gimp/scripts/fx_foundry

Gimp Preferences: home/gimp/scripts

Gimp seems to read the sub-directories content (From a previous question, Gimp gives an error message on the console for the sub-directory).

Recently, I've been thinking I should explicitly add the sub-directories to Gimp's Preferences and remove the main directory, to control the order, like:

Home Directory: home/gimp/scripts/fx_foundry

Gimp Preferences: home/gimp/scripts/some_author

If I wanted a fx_foundry script to take precedence over a Gimp registry script with the same name, I'd change the order, like:

Gimp Preferences: home/gimp/scripts/fx_foundry

Thanks again.

Alchemie foto\\grafiche
2009-04-23 15:11:14 UTC (over 15 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

Regarding, "concept 2 clones may kill each other", I'm working under
the assumption, that the order of the directories in the Edit /
Preferences / Folders, determines which script or plug-in is used. The
2 arrows at the top of the panel change the order.

Not exactly and is not only a problem for clones even if happen much more seldom in other cases

I always fail to explain it with the right words i hope other may do better I try again but the technical term may be not exact: Basically there are parameters assigned to each script, when 2 or more script use the same name of a already assigned parameter trouble happen.

Obviously is almost sure this will happen for similar version of the same script, while is much less probable for different scripts

But then "parameters" in that context may be a misleading or misused term i hope someone else may explain better

David Gowers
2009-04-23 15:19:24 UTC (over 15 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Alchemie foto\grafiche wrote:

Regarding, "concept 2 clones may kill each other", I'm working under
the assumption, that the order of the directories in the Edit /
Preferences / Folders, determines which script or plug-in is used. The
2 arrows at the top of the panel change the order.

Not exactly and is not only a problem for clones even if happen much more seldom in other cases

I always fail to explain it with the right words i hope other may do better I try again but the technical term may be not exact: Basically there are parameters assigned to each script, when 2 or more script use the same name of a already assigned parameter trouble  happen.

The problem occurs when two or more scripts define and register a function with the exact same name.
AFAIK the parameters of the functions do not effect this problem; and scripts themselves cannot have parameters, only the functions they define.

Alchemie foto\\grafiche
2009-04-23 15:27:25 UTC (over 15 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions


1 )
As far to avoid clone a simple example, supposed you found somewhere a script called "Trash Effect.scm" author name Jonh Cubo

You may well have already same script somehow renamed and included in the FX foundry pack

But check is easy,as example you may search FX-foundry filters for AUTHOR name... If you found there something as "JonhCubo-trashFX.scm" you may be certain that is a clone, or anyway a close variant

2) you may be interested to visit this forum

2009-04-23 19:39:05 UTC (over 15 years ago)

Two Gimp environment questions

Hi Alchemie and Gimp Users,

Ah, I got it. It happened to me yesterday when I installed a package of scripts.

For example, "add-bevel.scm" comes from two sources. It was in the system directory and this new package of scripts, which I installed in my home Gimp directory. This is a first for me. The scripts content were different, but I don't know Gimp scripting well enough to determine the impact of those differences. I did a quick "fix" and tacked a 2 on the end of the appropriate source code line(s). I see both of them in Gimp's Help / Procedure Browser, and it looks like the second one has an additional Parameter. They are both in the menu, and they both work. I noticed there wasn't any version info listed in the Procedure Browser. I suppose, unless one is writing scripts, the name could be anything.

The copy in the system directory is not going away. If a user wants to install a script into their home directory, but it has the same internal name, is there a better way to handle this?

Thank you. DJ

Regarding, "concept 2 clones may kill each other", I'm working under
the assumption, that the order of the directories in the Edit /
Preferences / Folders, determines which script or plug-in is used. The
2 arrows at the top of the panel change the order.

Afg> Not exactly and is not only a problem for clones even if happen much more seldom in other cases

Afg> I always fail to explain it with the right words i hope other may do better Afg> I try again but the technical term may be not exact: Afg> Basically there are parameters assigned to each script, when 2 Afg> or more script use the same name of a already assigned parameter trouble happen.

Afg> Obviously is almost sure this will happen for similar version of Afg> the same script, while is much less probable for different scripts

Afg> But then "parameters" in that context may be a misleading or Afg> misused term i hope someone else may explain better