Can saved Tool-Options be located in subdirectory?
Hi Gimp-user,
I downloaded a file that contains brushes, palettes, etc. from
When I add brushes, for example, I always put them into a
sub-directory under .gimp/brushes, like .gimp/brushes/gps. It is just
easier to maintain the contents in the future. I don't need to make
any changes in GIMP's preferences because GIMP searches
sub-directories too. That is also true for palettes.
But here is the question, the download also contains Tool Presets. I
am new to this feature, so I may just be missing something. I added
the Tool Presets to a sub-directory under .gimp/tool-options, but the
"Restore options from" button is still greyed/disabled. I looked
under Edit | Preferences, Folders and Tool Options, but didn't see
anything that might change the outcome.
Do Tool Options have to be in .gimp/tool-options main directory, or
can a user add them to a sub-directory, or even change the main
directory name? If so, how?
Thank you.