Quoting Nicholas I :
i am using ubuntu 8.3, i did a sudo apt-get install gimp, it did not
upgraded to the newest version, ...
Your repositories probably do not have the newest version available.
... i tried installing from source but i had lot
of problem in installing it. i just left it.
If you reached the point of performing 'sudo make install' then you
have installed the new version of GIMP. If you used the default PREFIX
then it was installed to /usr/local/ .
You should not have "just left it". You should remove it. You can
remove it using 'sudo make uninstall' from the source build directory
(the same directory in which you ran 'sudo make install'). You could
also do something such as the following (but it is a little bit risky,
depending on what you have in /usr/local):
find /usr/local -name gimp\* -exec sudo rm -vr {} \;
now when i run gimp from command propmt
i get the following error.
*Libgimp version mismatch!
The GIMP binary cannot run with a libgimp version
other than its own. This is GIMP 2.4.5, but the
libgimp version is 2.6.0.
Maybe you have GIMP versions in both /usr and /usr/local ?*
i tried renaming the folders but still the problem is not solved.
I do not know what this means.
any help? please
If you want to compile GIMP from source but retain a packaged version,
I would recommend using a PREFIX of '/opt/gimp' or somesuch.
./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp && make && sudo make install
Do not install to '/usr/local' because '/usr/local/lib' is typically
included in the library search path (by virtue of it being listed in
'/etc/ld.so.conf') and your packaged version of GIMP will try to link
to the GIMP libraries in '/usr/local/lib'. (This is likely the problem
you encountered.)
When you install GIMP to '/opt/gimp', the GIMP libraries will be
created in '/opt/gimp/lib' which is not part of the default library
search and so they will not interfere with the packaged version.
In order to run your new version, you will have to specify where its
libraries are to be found (since '/opt/gimp/lib' is not in the library
search path). This is typically done by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable and then invoking your new GIMP:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gimp/lib /opt/gimp/bin/gimp
Do not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH globally (e.g., in your .bashrc) as this
will interfere with your packaged GIMP. It would probably be best to
create a shell script which executes the above command; that way
LD_LIBRARY_PATH will only be redefined within the script and not
interfere with other programs.