Saving .psd file
I am getting close now! Everything is working beautifully, thanks for
all the help.
I am having a problem saving a .psd file. Actually, the problem is
opening the just-saved .psd
Here are two lines:
my $img = gimp_file_load(RUN_NONINTERACTIVE, $in, $in);
gimp_file_save(RUN_NONINTERACTIVE, $img,
gimp_image_get_active_drawable($img), $out, $out);
One opens a psd file, the other immediately writes it out. In the
server log, I get
PSD: Stern warning - no mask info.
I am sure that's a clue. If I try to re-open the file by the same
script, or by my local install of Gimp, I get
PSD: unexpected EOF while reading 'layer top' chunk
One thought that I had was - why do I pass a drawable in when I am
trying to write a psd file?! I tried passing in an undef and got the
same results. Drawable is probably just ignored. Beyond that, I have no
interesting ideas...
Humble thanks one more time!