Outputting image
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Kate T. Yoak wrote:
Here is another interesting question: is it possible to get the image
data out somewhere other than disk?
Not by typing something funky in the save-as field. You could always
make a named pipe, I suppose:
$ mknod pipe.gif p
$ out.pl < pipe.gif
That will block trying to read the pipe; go to gimp and save the image
to "pipe.gif" and then out.pl will start getting data...
I attempted specifying piped name
for image, "|out.pl" , for instance. It simply escapes the pipe and
creates a file by that name! Funny. :-)
There's no "escaping" required. UNIX filenames can have pipes,
greater-than signs, dollar signs, etc; the only two byte values that
aren't allowed in a UNIX filename are zero and '/'. It's only the
shell that adds special meaning to those other characters, and the
shell is not involved with Gimp's saving of an image.
Once I have Gimp::Image, I would love get the binary data that is the
image and do with it as I please.
Well, the binary image data doesn't exist in gimp's memory in that
form; it's created by the save handler for the particular file format.
I don't know if there's a way in script-fu (Scheme, Perl, or other)
to have the save handler 'save' to something other than a file;
someone else may have a better pointer there.