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Moving Selections

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Moving Selections Oliver Lennox 28 Oct 18:44
  Moving Selections Daniel Hornung 28 Oct 19:01
   Moving Selections Oliver Lennox 31 Oct 17:03
Oliver Lennox
2008-10-28 18:44:14 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Moving Selections

Hello All,

I've been using the GIMP off and on since 2.2 and find it to be a very good piece of software. I'm a web programmer and don't tend to do much graphic design work, but occasionally I need a button / background in a hurry and I enjoy having a play around to see what I can come up with.
A task that I find myself frequently performing is cropping images. In the old GIMP I used to drag out a selection box, and then use one of the control keys (CTRL/ SHIFT/ ALT, can't remember which sadly) to move it around until it looked right. So for example, if I wanted the left border to expand out a bit further I would hold the key, move my selection left a bit, release the key, and the continue to line up the right border. It is such a simple, fluid process that it wasn't something I ever thought consciously about.
The problem I have is that in the newer GIMPs I cannot seem to find the key which does this. I've read online that it should be the ALT key but when I searched on Google I just got back a lot posts that seemed to end in an argument about the right / wrong way to use the software. This doesn't concern me really, I'd just like to know how to get this functionality back as it was something that I found very useful.
Would it be possible for someone to show me where I'm going wrong?
Thanks very much,

Olly Lennox
IT Developer

Clarke Willmott*
international tel: +44 117 916 9381
international fax: +44 117 917 5595


Daniel Hornung
2008-10-28 19:01:44 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Moving Selections

A task that I find myself frequently performing is cropping images. In the old GIMP I used to drag out a selection box, and then use one of the control keys (CTRL/ SHIFT/ ALT, can't remember which sadly) to move it around until it looked right.

One link to rule them all

But why don't you use the crop tool if you want to crop an image or a layer?


Oliver Lennox
2008-10-31 17:03:11 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Moving Selections


Thanks for this. I actually found this page during my earlier hunt but it's not exactly what I'm after. This refers to moving selections after you release the mouse button. I mean moving the selection 'mid-drag' as it were - so you don't have to keep clicking.

I used the cropping as an example (there are many scenarios where this function was useful) but as if happens the same would apply to the cropping tool as the selection tool. The problem appears at any point where you're dragging out a shaped region.

It's a minor issue I know but it's amazing how one little thing can cause you so much frustration when it's removed.


Olly Lennox IT Developer

-----Original Message----- From: gimp-user-bounces@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU [mailto:gimp-user-bounces@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU] On Behalf Of Daniel Hornung
Sent: 28 October 2008 18:02
To: Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Moving Selections

A task that I find myself frequently performing is cropping images. In

the old GIMP I used to drag out a selection box, and then use one of the control keys (CTRL/ SHIFT/ ALT, can't remember which sadly) to move it around until it looked right.

One link to rule them all

But why don't you use the crop tool if you want to crop an image or a layer?

