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Identify old GIMP font

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Identify old GIMP font Per Gregers Bilse 27 Oct 18:19
  Identify old GIMP font Simon Budig 27 Oct 18:42
   Identify old GIMP font GSR - FR 27 Oct 19:20
    Identify old GIMP font Akkana Peck 29 Oct 03:55
  Identify old GIMP font David Herman 27 Oct 20:01
  Identify old GIMP font Sven Neumann 28 Oct 08:01
Per Gregers Bilse
2008-10-27 18:19:53 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Identify old GIMP font


I'm not really a big/fanciful user of GIMP, but have found it extremely useful on the odd occasion. One such was when I needed to create a set of buttons for a virtual instrument, 4-5 years ago.

I have now forgotten the name of the font I used (...) and I'm wondering if anybody here might be able to identify it. Please have a look at the screenshot at

The font in question is the one used in the buttons on the left (Hour, Day, Week, etc). I do remember it had an odd name, there was only one of its kind (no bold, italic, etc), and it came in only half a dozen sizes or so. I also remember that when I upgraded the system a year or so later, the font didn't show up in GIMPs font listing, and I made an important note of tracking it down (which I of course didn't get round to doing).

Your help will be most appreciated.

Thanks, best,

-- Per

Simon Budig
2008-10-27 18:42:17 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Identify old GIMP font

Per Gregers Bilse ( wrote:

The font in question is the one used in the buttons on the left (Hour, Day, Week, etc). I do remember it had an odd name, there was only one of its kind (no bold, italic, etc), and it came in only half a dozen sizes or so.

That looks like one of the "Fixed" fonts shipped with the X-Server.

Since Gimp no longer uses the X11-mechanisms for font selection it no longer shows up in the font dialog. You need to somehow convince fontconfig to provide that font as well. I currently cannot tell you ad hoc how to achieve that.


2008-10-27 19:20:22 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Identify old GIMP font

Hi, (2008-10-27 at 1842.17 +0100):

Per Gregers Bilse ( wrote:

The font in question is the one used in the buttons on the left (Hour, Day, Week, etc). I do remember it had an odd name, there was only one of its kind (no bold, italic, etc), and it came in only half a dozen sizes or so.

That looks like one of the "Fixed" fonts shipped with the X-Server.

Since Gimp no longer uses the X11-mechanisms for font selection it no longer shows up in the font dialog. You need to somehow convince fontconfig to provide that font as well. I currently cannot tell you ad hoc how to achieve that.

Modern fontconfig has /etc/fonts/ dir with config options and where you can write a local.conf file. Probably it has some defaults and other things (alternatives, examples) commented out. In some cases, there are files you can copy (or better symlinks) from the "conf.avail" subdir to the "conf.d" subdir and that way activate things. I see a README explaining all this, and "man fonts.conf" also helps.


David Herman
2008-10-27 20:01:31 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Identify old GIMP font

On Monday 27 October 2008, Per Gregers Bilse wrote:


I'm not really a big/fanciful user of GIMP, but have found it extremely useful on the odd occasion. One such was when I needed to create a set of buttons for a virtual instrument, 4-5 years ago.

I have now forgotten the name of the font I used (...) and I'm wondering if anybody here might be able to identify it. Please have a look at the screenshot at


What the others have said is undoubtably correct.

The original font you used is probably not Eurostyle but there are some similarities, it might work for you as a replacement

see ya

Sven Neumann
2008-10-28 08:01:52 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Identify old GIMP font


On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 17:19 +0000, Per Gregers Bilse wrote:

I have now forgotten the name of the font I used (...) and I'm wondering if anybody here might be able to identify it.

Have you tried "What the Font" ( already?


Akkana Peck
2008-10-29 03:55:33 UTC (over 16 years ago)

Identify old GIMP font (2008-10-27 at 1842.17 +0100):

That looks like one of the "Fixed" fonts shipped with the X-Server.

Since Gimp no longer uses the X11-mechanisms for font selection it no longer shows up in the font dialog. You need to somehow convince fontconfig to provide that font as well.

GSR - FR writes:

Modern fontconfig has /etc/fonts/ dir with config options and where

(and pointing to the README there)

On Debian and Ubuntu, you can probably get the bitmapped X fonts back by going to /etc/fonts/conf.d, removing the symlink to ../conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf and replacing it with a symlink to ../conf.avail/70-yes-bitmaps.conf. Depending on the distro, you might also need to uncomment or comment a section in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (I don't see anything relevant in Hardy, but I remember needing to make a change there in some past versions).
