Converting Adobe *.ase swatch files from Kuler to Gimp *.gpl swatch files
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Kevin Cozens wrote:
Hedley Finger wrote:
Can anybody point me to a Gimp plug-in or external utility that can
convert *.ase swatch files from Adobe Kuler to Gimp *.gpl files please?
If you haven't found anything using Google and there is no plug-in already
available in the registry, someone will have to create a plug-in, or script
file, to do the conversion. That someone will need to have access to .ase
files and to the details of the format of those files.
OK - I took a shot at a plug-in. I doubt that it works properly under
Windows - I have not had time to test it (yet). Also, once the
palette is loaded (if it works :), you need to manually refresh the
palette list - the new palette will appear toward the top. This
plug-in does not handle the full ASE spec (notably RBG only)- I doubt
ASE files from sources other than Kuler will work. If you are not
using GIMP from current svn, you need to change the 'gimp_folder'
variable at the top of the file to match your .gimp folder.
Oh yeah - it's under 'Filters->Import ASE palette...' - I need to move
it somewhere more useful.
There are a ton of FIXME items that I still need to attend to, but if
anyone is feeling brave, I'd love feedback on it...
PS - (unofficial) ASE file spec is here: