Quoting Terry Moss :
The older program allowed me to duplicate objects in a picture by
putting a square around it, or a circle, or indeed by using the free
select tool and then hold Ctl and Alt and just drag the section to
where I wanted it and leaving the original object where it was.
Now with this latest version I see I can only use the 'free select'
then hold down 'shift and Alt'.
Version 2.4 allows this same type of operation with the Rect Select
and Elliptical Select Tools; you just have to make sure that you have
"accepted" your selection before you can drag it.
Both the Rect and Ellipt Tools permit you edit your selection by
providing "handles" in the corners and sides, and you can move the
entire "box" to a different location on the image. However, in order
to indicate that you are done editing the "box", you must either click
inside the marching ants or press the ENTER key. Once you have done
this, you can use SHIFT-ALT to move the contents of the selection as
The logic of this approach may be more apparent if you try the
following: first make an elliptical selection, switch the the Rect
Select Tool, hold down the CTRL key (subtract mode), and draw out a
box which overlap the circle. You should notice that you can resize
and move your rectangle without affecting the circular selection
(other than the overlap changing). You can continue this editing of
the rectangle box until you press ENTER or click inside the selection,
at which point the box's editing handles disappear and the resulting
rectangle is subtracted from the circle to produce your final selection.
Most operations (changing tools, running a script, applying a filter,
etc) will automatically accept your Rectangle Tool edits -- and apply
them to the existing selection (if any). However the SHIFT-ALT (copy
contents) and CTRL-ALT (move contents) require that you accept your
Rectangle Tool edits manually.