2008 UI new year's resolutions...
a couple of more things for this year:
First, Sven was right at my GIMP lecture last month here in berlin:
the UI team needs to grow. So I want to add two more UI professionals to
the team (double the size!). One more experienced person (3-5 years in
interaction design) and one junior (right out of school/uni).
question for the list: how to organise? advertise on gimp.org?
Second: I have this plan to kick-start the analysis part gui.gimp.org
by writing a long series of compact blog entries where in each I
mop up the findings related to a certain UI issue and offer a general
outline where the solution lies. Not a bullet (developer) proof, final
statement. The content of each of these blog would go straight into
its own page on the analysis part gui.gimp.org, where it would start
living and evolve, driven by comment, input and further thought.
question for the list: channel all this comment and input through
this GIMP developer list?
get the ball rolling...
founder + principal interaction architect
man + machine interface works
http://mmiworks.net/blog : on interaction architecture