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Status OpenUsability student project

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Status OpenUsability student project Sven Neumann 01 Nov 02:36
  Status OpenUsability student project Sven Neumann 08 Nov 09:45
   Status OpenUsability student project peter sikking 13 Nov 12:51
    Status OpenUsability student project GSR - FR 13 Nov 17:31
     Status OpenUsability student project peter sikking 13 Nov 17:54
      Status OpenUsability student project GSR - FR 13 Nov 19:33
       Status OpenUsability student project peter sikking 13 Nov 19:58
        Status OpenUsability student project GSR - FR 13 Nov 20:44
         Status OpenUsability student project peter sikking 13 Nov 22:06
Sven Neumann
2006-11-01 02:36:03 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project


I would like to let you give you some update on the OpenUsability sponsored student project that we announced in August. Here's the announcement again in case you lost the URL:

During the application period that lasted until the 10th of September we have received a number of applications from all over the world. Fourteen people applied for the position, coming from Europe, USA, Russia and India. Peter has lead the selection process and describes this effort in his blog:

In the end, Kamila Giedroj? was chosen and she has since then worked with Peter on the project. The next step is to create a number of representative usage scenarios. For this purpose we have arranged a small meeting (9 persons) next weekend in Essen, Germany. There, Kamila and Peter will get the chance to talk to people involved in GIMP user support and meet authors of the GIMP user manual as well as GIMP developers. We will compensate for the room and travel costs from the money that GIMP has collected from donations.

Will try to keep you uptodate on the proceedings, but don't expect much before the weekend. Still no connectivity in my new appartment...

BTW, since Dave has retired from his job as the GIMP treasurer, we should seek for someone to fill in this position. Currently I am doing this job, but I would prefer if someone else could take over. The job involves thanking people who donate money, updating our sponsors page from time to time and of course keeping contact to the GNOME foundation who is holding the GIMP money for us.


Sven Neumann
2006-11-08 09:45:14 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project


just a quick note to inform you that the usability weekend was a great success. Based on workspace observations and interviews that Kamila, Ellen and Peter did over the last weeks, and supplemented by feedback from the GIMP documentation team and GIMP user support, we managed to come up with a list of usage scenarios that we consider typical for our target user base. The usability team will now continue their work based on these scenarios. The next step is an expert evaluation of the current user interface. We hope that the project will be finished somewhen early next year. That should be just in time to discuss the outcome of this project and hopefully to start with implementing the proposals that will be made.

We have spent less than EUR 1100,- on this, which is only possible because the Linuxhotel in Essen ( offered us a very generous community price.

At some point later in this project, I would like to get more developers involved. We should probably have a dedicated meeting for this early next year.


peter sikking
2006-11-13 12:51:21 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

Sven wrote:

just a quick note to inform you that the usability weekend was a great success.

Thanks. Inspired by the weekend I thought it was about time I joined this list. Sometimes (but not always) I will chip in to inject some interaction concept into the discussion here.

I have blogged about the weekend from my point of view.


"Along the way some hard choices had to be made by the team about what workflow to support, and what to leave to other applications. Moreover, essential functionality has been identified during the weekend and implementation of some of it started right there and then."

read more:


principal user interaction architect man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

2006-11-13 17:31:41 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

Hi, (2006-11-13 at 1251.21 +0100):

"Along the way some hard choices had to be made by the team about what workflow to support, and what to leave to other applications. Moreover, essential functionality has been identified during the weekend and implementation of some of it started right there and then."

read more:

One question: "creating original art, from 'found images;'" is creating original art like concept art or full illustrations, be it realistic, comic, abstract... (that is what I understand for original) using references; or do collages and other photo composition (that is what I would understand as "'original' from found images")?


peter sikking
2006-11-13 17:54:20 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

GSR wrote:

One question: "creating original art, from 'found images;'" is creating original art like concept art or full illustrations, be it realistic, comic, abstract... (that is what I understand for original) using references; or do collages and other photo composition (that is what I would understand as "'original' from found images")?

The scenario for this actually includes the words 'collage' and 'wild brush work' to catch the vibe. The results need to be new art, and we are sure that bitmaps, scans and/or vector graphics need to be imported/opened in GIMP to do this successfully.


principal user interaction architect man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

2006-11-13 19:33:31 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

Hi, (2006-11-13 at 1754.20 +0100):

The scenario for this actually includes the words 'collage' and 'wild brush work' to catch the vibe. The results need to be new art, and we are sure that bitmaps, scans and/or vector graphics need to be imported/opened in GIMP to do this successfully.

What is wild brush work? And is just painting or colouring nowhere in the cases (as separate case, it is clearly not)?


peter sikking
2006-11-13 19:58:18 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

GSR wrote:

The scenario for this actually includes the words 'collage' and 'wild brush work' to catch the vibe. The results need to be new art, and we are sure that bitmaps, scans and/or vector graphics need to be imported/opened in GIMP to do this successfully.

What is wild brush work?

the words are used to catch the vibe, you know... >^} not too subtle alterations using brush tools. Alienating the resulting image from the found images that went into the process.

And is just painting or colouring nowhere in the cases (as separate case, it is clearly not)?

There are simply other applications that are better adept to painting from scratch, one of them is called Painter, I believe.

Second of all you have to realise that the user scenarios are the essential description of the essential use of GIMP. That's two distillations. But they focus our minds to get things done. Lot's of in-between and borderline cases do not need to be described. They would just bloat up the user scenarios and make them useless as a tool for us.

Painting from scratch is simply not in the product vision, the GIMP team has set other priorities.


principal user interaction architect man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

2006-11-13 20:44:55 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

Hi, (2006-11-13 at 1958.18 +0100):

And is just painting or colouring nowhere in the cases (as separate case, it is clearly not)?

There are simply other applications that are better adept to painting from scratch, one of them is called Painter, I believe.

There are other apps for icons too (a from scratch task in some cases, btw). Seeing that one and not seeing painting, colouring or creating textures looked strange among all the other more photo-related tasks specially when for past years people have being colouring their comics, creating textures for 3d art and so on with gimp.


Painting from scratch is simply not in the product vision, the GIMP team has set other priorities.

OK, thanks, good to know.


peter sikking
2006-11-13 22:06:41 UTC (over 18 years ago)

Status OpenUsability student project

GSR wrote:

There are other apps for icons too (a from scratch task in some cases, btw).

We are sure that icons will be first constructed as vector graphics and then finished in GIMP.

Seeing that one and not seeing painting, colouring or creating textures looked strange among all the other more photo-related tasks specially when for past years people have being colouring their comics, creating textures for 3d art and so on with gimp.

Again you are taking things too literal.

Not having your exact personal use case named one of the essential for GIMP does not mean we are going to forget about you.

We are covering thousands of specific use cases for GIMP by the sheer number of linear combinations you can make from the essential use cases we are considering. That's the power of the methods I use.

But to save GIMP from the dying like a dinosaur, we had to set some priorities.


principal user interaction architect man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture