Plea for a new interface user for the GIMP
I don't speak english very well as I'm french from Martinique... but I will
try. I apologize before for my bad english.
First I wanted to say a BIG THANKS for the GNU Image Manipulation Program. I
am a faithful user of this program since some years yet and i would like to
thank all the developpers who invest time in this project to give to the
masses the posibility to have at one's disposal such a tool to draw.
However as using the GIMP "all the days", I couldn't help to admit: the
GIMP interface user is a little "uncomfortable" to use.
It may be for this reason some have decided to transform his interface like
a very known graphic software: I'm talking about gimpshop software.
It for this reason I tried to review the GIMP API.
Before to show you that "review" I want to point out that I'm neither a
developper nor a designer but just a user. And I don't know if other
alternativ interfaces were suggested on this mailing list.
I would like you to give me your opinion on this: you can access to
the english version by clicking on the little flag on the top. this english
version was translated by me: again I apologize for the possible bad words.
Good bye
Roland C.