Idea for syck image on disk.
Hi, A while back I tried out a plugin for the gimp called Gimp-Verse
For those of you who dont know about verse, its a way to collaberate on
multimedia/3d projects transparently over a network..
This plugin allowed the Gimp to edit data and have it visible in 3d over
a network realtime.
See- to get the idea
Anyhow, I tried to get this working but compiler issues various other
things stoped me from getting verse-gimp up and running.
I ended up with a very hackish solution that involved taking screenshots
of the Gimps image window and reloading the file in Blender (3d
application) 10 times a second, but this is far from Ideal.
A Nice inbetween solution would be to have some plugin that stored an
image's tile cache as a flat image file (bmp/tif any format would do)
WHen the tile cache was updated, the image would be updated on the hard
There would be lots of other issues to deal with- Like which resolution
of tile cache to use, but Basicly All Im interested in is an updated
image- Even if it changes to match teh view resolution, or some parts
dont update of there off screen..
This would allow editing in a 3d application and painting at the same
time which is very usefull.
Any suggestions?
Oh, by the way, only basic C coding experience, good with Python tho.
- Cam