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text bug [?]

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text bug [?] Gezim Hoxha 07 Mar 07:27
  text bug [?] Sven Neumann 07 Mar 14:42
Gezim Hoxha
2004-03-07 07:27:19 UTC (about 21 years ago)

text bug [?]

Hi developers,

Once agian I'd like to congradulate you for the magnificent work you've done. Thank you.

I'm using gimp2-pre2, when I do the following, something unwanted happens:
1.)Create a new image
2.)Click on the T (text tool)
3.)Go to the
4.)Click and type away. All this works fine. 5.) Now you want to type something else in the same image, so you move the cursur to the place, click, and start typing, but this type nothing shows up on the image.

Is this a bug or what? Is it fixed in pre3?

Note: I know that if you change tools then go back to T (text tool) it works fine.

Thanks, Gezim

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Sven Neumann
2004-03-07 14:42:41 UTC (about 21 years ago)

text bug [?]


Gezim Hoxha writes:

I'm using gimp2-pre2, when I do the following, something unwanted happens:
1.)Create a new image
2.)Click on the T (text tool)
3.)Go to the
4.)Click and type away. All this works fine. 5.) Now you want to type something else in the same image, so you move the cursur to the place, click, and start typing, but this type nothing shows up on the image.

Is this a bug or what? Is it fixed in pre3?

It's about time to update to 2.0pre4 then:
