Cannot save my work ...
( / gimp-perl-1.2.3-16)
I am using gimp from rpm package. After making a image, with multiples
layers, ans saving it under xcf format, I am trying to save it under PNG
or another file type.
It works about 25% of the time. The other times, it just does nothing,
no error message (even lauching Gimp from the console). Nothing is
created ... nothing is saved.
I close Gimg, open the same xcf file again, and this is still impossible
to save it. What is weird, is that if I change the content, adding a
layer, or deleting one, it "could" work after ... or maybe not. Idem if
I open another xcf, it could work.
Has anybody seen this problem before ?
Bypass : I launch Gimp 1.2, open the XCF file and save it with no
problem under PNG for example.
Thanks, and sorry for my bad english