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Fw: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts

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Fw: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts Kevin Myers 19 Oct 22:44
Fw: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts Cameron Gregory 20 Oct 04:38
Kevin Myers
2002-10-19 22:44:20 UTC (over 22 years ago)

Fw: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts

Sent this to gimp users but no response there, so thought I would try gimp-developers since this is script related. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Kevin M.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Myers"
To: "gimp users"
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 1:22 PM Subject: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts


I'm using gimp 1.2.4 under Windoze 2K, and am about to embark upon


some script-fu scripts. For plug-ins, there is a Directories->Plug-Ins setting in the gimp Preferences dialogue where you can specify the


for user-defined scripts. Reading Mike Terry's web pages on script-fu, it appears that there ought to be a similar setting for scripts, but there isn't one as far as I can tell. How does the gimp know where to find user-defined scripts?

I would strongly prefer not to add my scripts to the gimp installation directory along with the install supplied scripts. Also, I would like for my scripts to be available to all users on my machine, rather than only to


specific user, so I would prefer to have my user-defined scripts directory under "\Documents and Settings\All Users", rather than under the subdirectory for the installing user which gimp appears to use by default.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Cameron Gregory
2002-10-20 04:38:51 UTC (over 22 years ago)

Fw: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts

Looks like the script dir is missing from the preferences. Submit to bugzilla.

But, it's in ~/.gimp-1.2/scripts

so say on Windows2000, it would be

/Documents and Settings/cameron/.gimp-1.2/scripts

Once you install a script, you can do Xtns->Script-Fu->Refresh to reload the scripts without restarting gimp.



Kevin Myers wrote:

Sent this to gimp users but no response there, so thought I would try gimp-developers since this is script related. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Kevin M.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Myers"
To: "gimp users"
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 1:22 PM Subject: [Gimp-user] Directory for User-Defined Scripts


I'm using gimp 1.2.4 under Windoze 2K, and am about to embark upon


some script-fu scripts. For plug-ins, there is a Directories->Plug-Ins setting in the gimp Preferences dialogue where you can specify the


for user-defined scripts. Reading Mike Terry's web pages on script-fu, it appears that there ought to be a similar setting for scripts, but there isn't one as far as I can tell. How does the gimp know where to find user-defined scripts?

I would strongly prefer not to add my scripts to the gimp installation directory along with the install supplied scripts. Also, I would like for my scripts to be available to all users on my machine, rather than only to


specific user, so I would prefer to have my user-defined scripts directory under "\Documents and Settings\All Users", rather than under the subdirectory for the installing user which gimp appears to use by default.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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