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Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

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Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal. Mark Pigott 28 May 14:29
  Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal. Richard Gitschlag 29 May 00:28
   Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal. Michael Schumacher 29 May 07:00
Mark Pigott
2013-05-28 14:29:46 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

The present ruler for Gimp is in decimal inches, it would be nice to have an option to set it to fractional inches, which is more real world.

Regardless of the fact that my country, Canada has been metric since 1975, there are times and used that require fractional inches.


Richard Gitschlag
2013-05-29 00:28:59 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 10:29:46 -0400 From:
Subject: [Gimp-developer] Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

The present ruler for Gimp is in decimal inches, it would be nice to have an option to set it to fractional inches, which is more real world.

Regardless of the fact that my country, Canada has been metric since 1975, there are times and used that require fractional inches.

Thanks _______________________________________________ gimp-developer-list mailing list

I agree.

Better yet, I would like to see an ability to right-click the ruler in an image window and change its unit of measure on the fly. Convenient/expected as it is to have the ruler display coordinates in image pixels, there may be some times where you want it to be in a different UOM, and I'm not finding an option to control that in 2.8 .

-- Stratadrake
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

Michael Schumacher
2013-05-29 07:00:10 UTC (over 11 years ago)

Inches Ruler in 1/16th inch increments rather than decimal.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013 um 02:28 Uhr Von: "Richard Gitschlag"

Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 10:29:46 -0400 From:

The present ruler for Gimp is in decimal inches, it would be nice to have an option to set it to fractional inches, which is more real world.

I agree.

The basic part of providing imperial subdivisions is mentioned in

As you can deduce from the age of this bug, it is not really regarded as very important. So, especially if even more features are to be included, like this...

Better yet, I would like to see an ability to right-click the ruler in an image window and change its unit of measure on the fly.

... it is up to you or someone else who is interested in it to provide a patch :)
