Gimp hacking and next reslease
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 12:36, Torbjörn Rathsman wrote:
If I want to do some work on gimp, is it better to wait for stable 2.8 now
when this reslease is quite near?
I see no reasen why you should wait.
The best thing for getting startet is to meet the other developers in IRC
and talk directly with them. Here you can find a wiki page with some
informations for new developers. Perhaps it's an good idea to ask for an
wiki account and adding everything you are missing from that page:
A good start is to look for bug with the "gnome-love" keyword in the
This are bug that should be easy to fix. I would recommend to
1. Look for a bug you like to fix.
2. Talk to the developers on IRC about the bug.
3. Start coding.