GSoC 2012, Implement GEGL ops that GIMP need
My name is Bogdan and I am from Bucharest, Romania. I am an undergraduate
student in Computer Science (Second year) at University Politehnica of
I have read about the idea of implementing GEGL ops that GIMP needs, and I
found it interesting and challenging. To understand better the inside of
porting and reimplementation I reviewed with my classmate, Robert Sasu, the
plugins he made for the same project in GSoC 2011. After looking through
the curent code and compiling babl, GEGL and GIMP (after 4h!) I came to the
conclusion that I am up to this project. Therefore I would like to apply
for GSoC 2012 with this project idea.
I have strong C/C++ and Java knowledge and I have worked in other
programming environments such as: Python, Assembly, MatLab, Octave or
Regarding image processing I have done projects in which I had to implement
in C, and reimplement in Octave, functions that would modify the contrast,
apply flitering (smooth, blur, sharpen, emboss) or compute the entropy of
an image (Huffman coding). For this project and not only, to visualize an
image in Netpbm format I started to use GIMP as an viewer, and since then
I've become a regular user of it.
I believe that my programming skills, passion for mathematics (especially
geometry), algorithmics knowledge, creativity and hardworking make me a
good candidate to your organisation's projects.
Further more, I would be interested in finding out what are
the requirements I should meet and what should it be the next step to make
for me?