Thank you.
I'm sitting here whipping out a picture of a RGB Venn diagram with text
labels with a recent pull from trunk in single window mode. I've loved
and used GIMP for years (although I'm not a power user). There have
always been things I loved and things that I didn't love quite so much.
For the first time, at this point in time, I find nothing annoying.
Everything is happy. It's beautiful and intuitive. Something that
should be a simple task is a simple task. You guys are the best and I
love your work. How wonderfully text works now. I know you guys hear a
lot of complaints at times (perhaps one or two from me through the
years) and you deserve to hear the good things too.
Thank you very much.
p.p.s The venn diagram is done with 5 layers. Top to bottom:
Screen Mode - Red Circle
Screen Mode - Green Circle
Normal Mode - Blue Circle
Normal Mode - Red Circle
Normal Mode - Green Circle