[bob@backstopmedia.com: writing opportunity for Backstop Media]
Nevermind, he found someone to write it.
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 01:38:25AM -0400, Tom Rathborne wrote:
I'm totally not qualified for this, but maybe some developer wants
$500 to regurgitate the developer documentation ...?
----- Forwarded message from Bob Herbstman -----
Subject: writing opportunity for Backstop Media
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 09:01:19 -0700
From: Bob Herbstman
To: tomr@aceldama.com
Hi Tom -
I'm a partner at Backstop Media (http://www.backstopmedia.com) and I found
your resume online. We're looking for someone with your background to write
a work for hire article for IBM developerWorks on the following topic:
Title: Modifying the Open Source GIMP image editor
Summary of content:
After having read the article, the reader will be familiar with how the
millions of lines of the large GIMP code base is structured, where the key
modules live, and consequently how to approach the code base when
wanting to perform advanced additions or modifications to it.
Articles run about 2,500-3,000 words and we typically pay $500. We would
need to have this piece written by the end of May so please let me know
if you'd be interested as soon as possible.
Thanks, Bob
Bob Herbstman
Backstop Media
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