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Fwd: Possible Future of ScriptFu/TinyFu with R6RS/Racket

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Fwd: Possible Future of ScriptFu/TinyFu with R6RS/Racket Andreas_P 17 Apr 23:02
2010-04-17 23:02:46 UTC (almost 15 years ago)

Fwd: Possible Future of ScriptFu/TinyFu with R6RS/Racket

Hey again all,

Many thanks for discussing my little proposal, by no means I wanted to obsolete or drop
built-in scripting languages like lua, pyton, ruby ... etc I just wanted to refresh the (really
powerful) Scheme/Racket stuff.. Things like UnitTesting is already implemented within DrScheme/Racket and now soon perhaps will Performance and Testing Tools like the TPT-
Platform will find its way into Scheme/Racket.. And yes I am of the opinion too, that a
reduced feature set can ease certain things... In my humble point of view the Script-FU/Tiny-Fu engine needs an update. Well... And Saul Goode many thanks for your interest (to eventually participate) in this project (was not being started at all) [way to busy with studying and exam stuff] besides I am not that proficient at this very moment, but with some help of Kevin Cozens (who did some REALLY great work) something could work out... I'm asking myself where a trunk repo could be... at first it would be to tiny and unimportant for GNOME/GIT...

I only want GIMP to be the very best Image Manipulation Program that it can be.

Yours sincerely, Andreas_P