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id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize

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id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize Ry?Ta SimaMoto 17 Apr 17:42
  id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize Sven Neumann 18 Apr 10:38
  id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize Ulf-D. Ehlert 18 Apr 19:56
   id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize Ry?Ta SimaMoto 21 Apr 15:17
    201004211947.09027.ude88@we... Ulf-D. Ehlert 21 Apr 19:47
     id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize Ry?Ta SimaMoto 22 Apr 14:48
      201004232025.07965.ude88@we... Ulf-D. Ehlert 23 Apr 20:25
Ry?Ta SimaMoto
2010-04-17 17:42:12 UTC (almost 15 years ago)

id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize

I have questions and request with document "id"s.

First one is about the IFS Fractal Plugin. Pressing F1 key with pointing the menu entry of this plugin, "Document Missing" page is shown whereas its document exists. The current id of the plugin is "plug-in-ifscompose", but the page's id is "plug-in-ifsfractal." I don't know why they don't meet.

According to the git log of the help document, this id was changed from "plug-in-ifscompose" to "plug-in-ifsfractal" two and half years ago. Actually, the plugin is renamed from "IfsCompose" to "IFS Fractal" at 13th November 2004, but its id (HELP_ID) "plug-in-ifs-compose" was not changed. The current style "plug-in-ifscompose" was brought up at 12nd August 2005.

Can they coincide each other?

The second question is about Animation Optimize Plugins. The Optimize plugin is documented with id=plug-in-optimize. GIMP has three procedures which seem to be also documented in that page: plug-in-animationoptimize,
plug-in-animationoptimize-diff, and
When I call context help of them, the plugin's document doesn't show and the Missing Docs page appears. Do these functions have relation to the Optimize's page? If so, please add links for them.


Sven Neumann
2010-04-18 10:38:45 UTC (almost 15 years ago)

id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize

On Sun, 2010-04-18 at 00:42 +0900, Ry?Ta SimaMoto wrote:

I have questions and request with document "id"s.

First one is about the IFS Fractal Plugin. Pressing F1 key with pointing the menu entry of this plugin, "Document Missing" page is shown whereas its document exists. The current id of the plugin is "plug-in-ifscompose", but the page's id is "plug-in-ifsfractal." I don't know why they don't meet.

According to the git log of the help document, this id was changed from "plug-in-ifscompose" to "plug-in-ifsfractal" two and half years ago. Actually, the plugin is renamed from "IfsCompose" to "IFS Fractal" at 13th November 2004, but its id (HELP_ID) "plug-in-ifs-compose" was not changed.

We only changed the user-visible name of the plug-in. The procedure name as well as the help ID must not change. Please change the help ID in the documentation back to "plug-in-ifscompose".


Ulf-D. Ehlert
2010-04-18 19:56:49 UTC (almost 15 years ago)

id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize

Ry?Ta SimaMoto (Saturday, 17. April 2010)

First one is about the IFS Fractal Plugin. Pressing F1 key with pointing the menu entry of this plugin, "Document Missing" page is shown whereas its document exists. The current id of the plugin is "plug-in-ifscompose", but the page's id is "plug-in-ifsfractal." I don't know why they don't meet.

No mystery, simply a bug.

According to the git log of the help document, this id was changed from "plug-in-ifscompose" to "plug-in-ifsfractal" two and half years ago. Actually, the plugin is renamed from "IfsCompose" to "IFS Fractal" at 13th November 2004, but its id (HELP_ID) "plug-in-ifs-compose" was not changed. c55d26ab1725163ca The current style "plug-in-ifscompose" was brought
up at 12nd August 2005. f4222409b3b32a205

Can they coincide each other?

Again, no mystery. Apparently we changed the help-id and made a mistake for whatever reason (shit happens!). So we just have to correct it...

The second question is about Animation Optimize Plugins. The Optimize plugin is documented with id=plug-in-optimize. GIMP has three procedures which seem to be also documented in that page: plug-in-animationoptimize,
plug-in-animationoptimize-diff, and
When I call context help of them, the plugin's document doesn't show and the Missing Docs page appears. Do these functions have relation to the Optimize's page? If so, please add links for them.

It looks like "Unoptimize" is not documented at all. For plug-in-animationoptimize and plug-in-animationoptimize-diff we can add anchors to the xml file.

We also have to produce help-id entries (in html/*/gimp-help.xml) for anchors again (it was disabled because there were too many entries flooding the content tree of the gimp helpbrowser, but it seems that this is no longer a problem.)

(I have just added all these changes, please check.)

Apropos help-ids, I have a simple shell script (see attachment) for comparing GIMP's help-ids with the Manual ids. It's not too helpful, especially since I don't know which ids are relevant and which are not, but mayby someone can use it as a starting point to make it really useful?

The script looks for - "#define GIMP_HELP" in gimphelp-ids.h, - "#define BLABLA_PROC" in *.c, *.h, - "script-fu-register ..." in *.scm, - "register ..." in *.py,
and compares the extracted ids with those found in our gimp-help.xml. The problem is that there are too many differences...

If someone is curious: start the script with "--help" option to find out how to use it. (Just in case it wasn't clear: this script requires the GIMP source files.)


Ry?Ta SimaMoto
2010-04-21 15:17:15 UTC (almost 15 years ago)

id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize


After modifying command arguments so that they can work with BSD commands, your script gives an impressive report.

I expected there are few functions rest, except image creator scripts, that are not documented yet. In short, I thought only 15 functions are not documented, so I began to write drafts of all the missing reference pages, and broke down in mere three pages. But if we had much more reference documents should be written up in scratch, and now it seems true, my magnificent plan to submit full set of complement docs by myself must be thrown away immedately :)

I want to post these three pages, and hope someone to review them. Which branch may I send them to, the master or a temporary working branch?

-=-=-=-=-= SimaMoto,Ry?Ta

Ry?Ta SimaMoto
2010-04-22 14:48:14 UTC (almost 15 years ago)

id issues | IFS Fractal; Animation Optimize

Ulf-D.Ehlert wrote:

Which changes are necessary?

They are very simple.
s@mktemp --tmpdir@mktemp -t@
s@xargs --no-run-if-empty@xargs@

The first replacement means that --tmpdir option is not supported like as

The second replacement can be also s@xargs --no-run-if-empty@xargs -r@
where -r option is a dummy for compatibility to GNU xargs, since FreeBSD xargs does not run the given command if imput argument is empty.