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GPU support

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Introduction to GEGL's Architecture & GPU-support Architecture #2 Jerson Michael Perpetua 08 May 16:41
  GPU support redforce 09 May 01:21
   GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 09 May 11:04
    GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 09 May 11:07
    GPU support redforce 09 May 14:35
     GPU support utkarsh shukla 09 May 15:31
     GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 10 May 13:02
      GPU support utkarsh shukla 10 May 13:27
       GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 11 May 12:33
        GPU support utkarsh shukla 11 May 20:22
         GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 11 May 21:58
      GPU support redforce 11 May 20:49
       GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 11 May 22:06
       GPU support Øyvind Kolås 12 May 01:29
6a95403a0905100411i6a239349... 07 Oct 20:29
  GPU support Jerson Michael Perpetua 10 May 13:12
Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-08 16:41:21 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

Introduction to GEGL's Architecture & GPU-support Architecture #2

Hi all,

It's me again. Over the past weeks, I have been silently digging into GEGL's source code, trying to understand how everything works. This, while researching about OpenGL and GObjects. Though I am quite familiar with C, I didn't know how GObject layers on top of C to provide OOP features. To make things worse, my previous experience with OpenGL is very minimal. When I say 'experience', I meant that I only knew OpenGL through playing games. And playing games doesn't really help with programming, right? :) Let's just hope that I resist the urge to play during the whole of GSoC's duration. :p

Of course, I disclaim all views that I am acting like a GEGL expert given that I am now talking about GEGL's architecture. All that is written in these articles reflect what I have read so far. If you have anything to correct, please do. Even if I have all the time in the world to read, I still am human. So pardon the mistakes and keep the criticisms constructive. :)

From the GEGL website[1]: GEGL is a graph-based image processing

framework. Okay. Now what does graph-based mean and how does it relate to graphics manipulation? I have explained in the previous article that GEGL uses operations to transform pixel values. In GEGL, an operation is attached to a GEGL node.

Nodes are connected to other nodes through edges (represented by GEGL pads[2]) that either come-in or come-out from the current node. Pixel data come in through the node's input pads and come out through the same node's output pads. Pixel data must first be processed by a node's operation before it becomes available in the output pad. And pixel data must first be available from all the node's input pads before the same node can manipulate the pixels. A node's input pads are connected to other nodes' output pads and vice versa. All you ever need is to imagine and you'll see that this forms a graph of nodes that inter-depend on and from one another. Perhaps, it should help your imagination if you also know that there are source nodes and sink nodes that do nothing but provide and accept pixel data, respectively. :p Also, note that nodes may not be configured such that a cycle is introduced. This is why GEGL is also DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) based.

Each GEGL node makes use of GEGL buffers[3] to cache image data from the previous nodes in the composition. It is an instance of this buffer that the node modifies with its operation[4]. The node provides the relevant pixels to its operation by using a buffer iterator that iterates over chunks of data within the input and output buffers.

The second architecture is a scheme to let our GEGL nodes take care of the image transfer from main memory to GPU memory (image to OpenGL texture). The operations will implement a new processor function[4] that will expect texture parameters rather than pixel data arrays[5]. GEGL will decide to transfer the image to GPU memory and use the GPU processor function depending on whether or not OpenGL is supported by the current operating system GEGL is running.

Image transfer from main memory to GPU memory will be accomplished by implementing a buffer iterator that will return textures instead of pixel arrays. These GPU buffer iterators will keep a pool of textures that will be reused as textures are requested and committed to the buffers. As with the GPU processor function, a GPU buffer iterator will only be used when OpenGL is actually supported by the current operating system and that the current operation has GPU-support.

The advantage over the previous architecture is that GEGL is now able to take full control over the OpenGL state machine[6]. We are now able to initialize and destroy OpenGL contexts through gegl_init and gegl_exit, respectively. This will remove unnecessary code repetition. Moreover, OpenGL context initialization is CPU expensive.

Though we now have a pretty complex architecture, we still aren't making full use of the GPU. Why? You'll see why when I explain GEGL buffers. That's next. Also in the next installment, We will look at ways of integrating GPU-support into GEGL buffers to really extract the GPU's (evil) power.

Until next time! :)

Kind regards, Daerd

P.S. Sorry for the really lengthy explanation. I know that pretty much most of you know about these. These are just notes to explain things better. Or just consider this to be representative of what I currently know. (Really, I'm just making excuses. Hehe.. :) Please correct me where I am wrong.


[2] From the GEGL website, a pad is the part of a node that exchanges image content. The place where image "pipes" are used to connect the various operations in the composition.

[3] Look forward to the next article, as I explain GEGL buffer's architecture.

[4] Not to be confused with GEGL processors. GEGL uses processor functions to implement alternative operation executions. For example, when a machine supports SIMD CPU extensions, GEGL will use the processor function for SIMD when it is available from the current operation.

[5] Though I really don't know if it's possible to create a processor function whose signature is slightly different from the default processor function. I need your wisdom here, GEGL gods. ;)

[6] I didn't tell you that OpenGL is a state machine. But, really, it is. See OpenGL's Wikipedia entry, if you're interested.

2009-05-09 01:21:54 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support


Not being a GEGL or OpenGL developer, I would nevertheless being interested in how acceleration of filters etc. can basically work with OpenGL (with matrix operations on buffers? Can you do other operations, too?) because I always thought OpenGL was an API for accelerated (3D but also 2D, considering it as a plane in 3D space) rendering, but not for calculating (like it is required with many filters). Wouldn't it, from a technical view, be more useful to implement CUDA ( support? I heard that there is a similar API for ATI. I also know that there is a GIMP plugin using CUDA (it has won the first place of a CUDA challenge:

As far as I have seen taking a quick look at the GEGL source code, the hardest task seems to be changing the single-threaded algorithm while (more_work) render();
for (i = 0; i < work_packets; i++) create_thread(render_packets);
where the packets are rectangles.

This would introduce a parallelism which would allow to 1) use all CPUs (would be very useful too, especially if you don't have 3D graphics acceleration available, but more than 1 CPU) 2) use CUDA to process the threads directly using GPU shaders (in parallel).

However, I have to say that I have no GEGL experience and little OpenGL and CUDA experience, so maybe I have some wrong assumptions, so feel free to correct me if I just wrote nonsense.

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-09 11:04:20 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Richard H. wrote:


Not being a GEGL or OpenGL developer, I would nevertheless being interested in how acceleration of filters etc. can basically work with OpenGL (with matrix operations on buffers? Can you do other operations, too?) because I always thought OpenGL was an API for accelerated (3D but also 2D, considering it as a plane in 3D space) rendering, but not for calculating (like it is required with many filters). Wouldn't it, from a technical view, be more useful to implement CUDA ( support? I heard that there is a similar API for ATI. I also know that there is a GIMP plugin using CUDA (it has won the first place of a CUDA challenge:

As far as I am concerned, CUDA and ATI's Stream SDK aren't an option because they are video card specific. I haven't really looked into them but I'm sure they are easy to use for computations, but the same computations can be accomplished through OpenGL through multiple rendering/computation passes. Moreover, we decided to go with OpenGL instead of a cross-platform API like OpenCL because implementations for the latter are still either very young or non-existent for most major platforms[1].

As far as I have seen taking a quick look at the GEGL source code, the hardest task seems to be changing the single-threaded algorithm  while (more_work) render();
 for (i = 0; i < work_packets; i++)
where the packets are rectangles.

This would introduce a parallelism which would allow to 1) use all CPUs (would be very useful too, especially if you don't have 3D graphics acceleration available, but more than 1 CPU) 2) use CUDA to process the threads directly using GPU shaders (in parallel).

Sorry, but I'm not really familiar with CUDA's threading model. Furthermore, GEGL doesn't really take care of thread creation and management. As far as I can see, your code's intent is to divide the tasks into smaller packets of rectangle. GEGL already has GEGL processors that can be used to accomplish this[2]. In fact, internally, GEGL uses tiles to divide the image into smaller packets for on demand rendering and caching.

[1] Mac OS X is slated to include OpenCL in Snow Leopard. I suspect OpenCL in Windows will be there as soon as drivers support the standard. For GNU/Linux, on the other hand, support will come in the form of a Gallium3D state tracker. See this article on Phoronix for more info:

[2] See for more info.

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-09 11:07:21 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

Also, please see for more info regarding doing computations using OpenGL.

2009-05-09 14:35:14 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support


Thanks for your answer.

As far as I am concerned, CUDA and ATI's Stream SDK aren't an option because they are video card specific. I haven't really looked into them but I'm sure they are easy to use for computations, but the same computations can be accomplished through OpenGL through multiple rendering/computation passes. Moreover, we decided to go with OpenGL instead of a cross-platform API like OpenCL because implementations for the latter are still either very young or non-existent for most major platforms[1].

Yes, I hope that all needed operations can be done via OpenGL, too because I have already experienced that CUDA sometimes makes problems even on supported platforms if you don't have exactly the same compiler options as the samples etc. On the other side, it's an additional unnecessary layer because the OpenGL computations use the same things you can directly access via CUDA or equivalent SDKs (if I have interpreted the infos I read about CUDA correctly). This layer is optimized for rendering and not for computing, so - from a pure simplicistic view - CUDA would be easier and more performant than OpenGL.

I have never heard of OpenCL, but it seems to be very interesting (and not proprietary). I hope that it will be available for the most important platforms, soon.

Sorry, but I'm not really familiar with CUDA's threading model.

Basically it's just the same as normal CPU threads, which would IMO be important to support, too. Many (especially Linux) systems don't have graphics acceleration available, but more than one CPU. Today you get already 8 cores, i.e. filters would be ~8 times faster if they utilised all CPUs (for at least 8 available rectangles).

Furthermore, GEGL doesn't really take care of thread creation and management.

I have seen this. But isn't that bad? My opionion is that it should.

As far as I can see, your code's intent is to divide the tasks into smaller packets of rectangle. GEGL already has GEGL processors that can be used to accomplish this[2]. In fact, internally, GEGL uses tiles to divide the image into smaller packets for on demand rendering and caching.

Yes I have found the relevant code sections in the GEGL source (at least I think that I have ;) ), and they seem to have the linear structure I have mentioned in my first email. I mean that gegl_processor_work() returns a boolean telling you if there is some more work to do, in which case you have to call it again. I think this is not usable for parallelism, because you always have to wait until the current packet (processed by gegl_processor_work()) is finished until you know if you have to call it again. For parallelism, a better approach would be that gegl_process_work() does everything at once, for instance by moving the outer while loop over the rectangles into in inner for loop.

I just wonder if that would help for the pure OpenGL approach, too. But I think that processing with OpenGL _and_ multithreading would make the best of pure OpenGL acceleration as well.

I will have a look at the articles on, too, seems to be a very interesting site, thanks.

utkarsh shukla
2009-05-09 15:31:04 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

I am not at all sure that CUDA is an option at all or even OpenCL can be used. They are a more higher level api based implementations tweeked for computing. The thing for GEGL is quite a low level. You have to start from the extreme basic and the best way to start is using GLSL (makes more sence than HLSL or Cg). CUDA or OpenCL are all together different concepts and they dont let the user see any shaders or other implementations. It can easily be done using GLSL.

I applied for GSOC but had not got it but still I am very very interested it this project particular. I just wish to take part in it and just wish if you keep on posting on the mailing list.

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Richard H. wrote:


Thanks for your answer.

As far as I am concerned, CUDA and ATI's Stream SDK aren't an option because they are video card specific. I haven't really looked into them but I'm sure they are easy to use for computations, but the same computations can be accomplished through OpenGL through multiple rendering/computation passes. Moreover, we decided to go with OpenGL instead of a cross-platform API like OpenCL because implementations for the latter are still either very young or non-existent for most major platforms[1].

Yes, I hope that all needed operations can be done via OpenGL, too because I
have already experienced that CUDA sometimes makes problems even on supported
platforms if you don't have exactly the same compiler options as the samples
etc. On the other side, it's an additional unnecessary layer because the OpenGL computations use the same things you can directly access via CUDA or equivalent SDKs (if I have interpreted the infos I read about CUDA correctly).
This layer is optimized for rendering and not for computing, so - from a pure
simplicistic view - CUDA would be easier and more performant than OpenGL.

I have never heard of OpenCL, but it seems to be very interesting (and not proprietary). I hope that it will be available for the most important platforms, soon.

Sorry, but I'm not really familiar with CUDA's threading model.

Basically it's just the same as normal CPU threads, which would IMO be important to support, too. Many (especially Linux) systems don't have graphics
acceleration available, but more than one CPU. Today you get already 8 cores,
i.e. filters would be ~8 times faster if they utilised all CPUs (for at least
8 available rectangles).

Furthermore, GEGL doesn't really take care of thread creation and management.

I have seen this. But isn't that bad? My opionion is that it should.

As far as I can see, your code's intent is to divide the tasks into smaller packets of rectangle. GEGL already has GEGL processors that can be used to accomplish this[2]. In fact, internally, GEGL uses tiles to divide the image into smaller packets for on demand rendering and caching.

Yes I have found the relevant code sections in the GEGL source (at least I think that I have ;) ), and they seem to have the linear structure I have mentioned in my first email. I mean that gegl_processor_work() returns a boolean telling you if there is some more work to do, in which case you have
to call it again. I think this is not usable for parallelism, because you always have to wait until the current packet (processed by gegl_processor_work()) is finished until you know if you have to call it again. For parallelism, a better approach would be that gegl_process_work() does everything at once, for instance by moving the outer while loop over the
rectangles into in inner for loop.

I just wonder if that would help for the pure OpenGL approach, too. But I think that processing with OpenGL _and_ multithreading would make the best of
pure OpenGL acceleration as well.

I will have a look at the articles on, too, seems to be a very interesting site, thanks.

Richard H. (via
_______________________________________________ Gegl-developer mailing list
Gegl-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-10 13:02:18 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

Thanks for your answer.

No problem. :)

Yes, I hope that all needed operations can be done via OpenGL, too because I have already experienced that CUDA sometimes makes problems even on supported platforms if you don't have exactly the same compiler options as the samples etc. On the other side, it's an additional unnecessary layer because the OpenGL computations use the same things you can directly access via CUDA or equivalent SDKs (if I have interpreted the infos I read about CUDA correctly). This layer is optimized for rendering and not for computing, so - from a pure simplicistic view - CUDA would be easier and more performant than OpenGL.

I have never heard of OpenCL, but it seems to be very interesting (and not proprietary). I hope that it will be available for the most important platforms, soon.

Really, my only concern with CUDA (and Stream SDK) is that they are too vendor-specific (I'd loved to be proven wrong though). So, implementing GPU-support through them is a no-go, afaic. I'm not willing to implement two GPU-enabled GEGL branches, one for NVIDIA and one for ATI video cards. That would be too much hassle and would not fit sensibly into GSoC's timeline of 3 months. I am willing to develop for GIMP and GEGL after GSoC but I would prefer my targets realistic. I really do agree that coding against CUDA and similar APIs is easier than coding against OpenGL, I'm just not convinced that the latter is an 'unnecessary' investment given our particular case. The only API that I would really approve of is OpenCL, but as I have previously said, OpenCL implementations are still in their infancy.

Nevertheless, thank you for your concern. We are of the same spirit. I just hope that we have a mature, non-proprietary, vendor-neutral, platform-agnostic solution here and now. But I'm forced to use OpenGL as it is what is currently available, imho. But rest assured, I will commit myself into porting my OpenGL implementation into OpenCL as soon as implementations for the latter becomes available. I also hope that I'd have help by that time. :)

Basically it's just the same as normal CPU threads, which would IMO be important to support, too. Many (especially Linux) systems don't have graphics acceleration available, but more than one CPU. Today you get already 8 cores, i.e. filters would be ~8 times faster if they utilised all CPUs (for at least 8 available rectangles).

Implementing multi-threading in GEGL is out of my scope and I'm not even sure if it's in GEGL's scope. GEGL is pretty low-level and threading can be implemented on top of GEGL by the relevant client (i.e. GIMP). Furthermore, be aware that threading doesn't really map into multiple cores and not using threads doesn't really mean that the code will not be parallelized[1].

Currently, the changes that I propose to introduce GPU-support to GEGL will be added to GEGL's existing code paths so that when OpenGL and/or hardware acceleration isn't available, we will be able to fallback to plain software rendering (using the CPU).

Yes I have found the relevant code sections in the GEGL source (at least I think that I have ;) ), and they seem to have the linear structure I have mentioned in my first email. I mean that gegl_processor_work() returns a boolean telling you if there is some more work to do, in which case you have to call it again. I think this is not usable for parallelism, because you always have to wait until the current packet (processed by gegl_processor_work()) is finished until you know if you have to call it again. For parallelism, a better approach would be that gegl_process_work() does everything at once, for instance by moving the outer while loop over the rectangles into in inner for loop.

I'm not really an expert with regards to how GEGL uses threading frameworks (if at all) to parallelize tile/rectangle-level operations. My work will be concerned with accelerating pixel-level operations by parallelizing each pixel operation in the GPU. The key in my work is that all pixel operations should (theoretically) work in parallel. I'm not in the position to think about parallelizing tiles/rectangles though I suspect that parallelization in that area is limited because of GEGL's complex graph dependencies. I'd appreciate it if a GEGL expert steps up and clarify these issues.

[1] GCC, for example, will later provide automatic parallelization through the Graphite framework. Please see: and

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-10 13:12:02 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 9:31 PM, utkarsh shukla wrote:

I am not at all sure that CUDA is an option at all or even OpenCL can be used. They are a more higher level api based implementations tweeked for computing. The thing for GEGL is quite a low level. You have to start from the extreme basic and the best way to start is using GLSL (makes more sence than HLSL or Cg). CUDA or OpenCL are all together different concepts and they dont let the user see any shaders or other implementations. It can easily be done using GLSL.

In OpenCL, we can still use image primitives and kernels (shaders). So I'm not quite sure that OpenCL isn't suitable for our problem. I haven't really looked into CUDA, so I have no opinion regarding its suitability.

I applied for GSOC but had not got it but still I am very very interested it this project particular. I just wish to take part in it and just wish if you keep on posting on the mailing list.

I agree that this topic is really interesting. I'd really appreciate help code-wise and architecture-wise. I still have one architecture article to post, please look forward to it! Also, if you're positive that you want to help, you can start by hanging around #gegl in IRC. I'll be there later (not now, 'coz I don't have net connectivity at home).

Later! :)

utkarsh shukla
2009-05-10 13:27:42 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

I believe you are much off the track and you havent understood what you are supossed to do. It is not that we are forced to use OpenGl but it is that OpenGl is the best option. What you are telling is that OpenCl or Cuda can be used but that is purely wrong. Why you have to complicate procedures by using the OpenCL abstraction layer, of which there is no need as the things can be easily done using OpenGl. Infact I am sure you havent understood the whole of the problem at all. You feel for the support of the GPU since there is an API called OpenCL exists so you can user it. But it is not that way. You dont understand what OpenCL or CUDA is and I am sure you havent worked much upon it. Its a compute platform it provides API lot different that what is needed by GEGL. Infact as I previously said it is no way an option. I am sure you misunderstood the thing from the basics. You can create a minimap and use it to distribute the workload of the threads to either CPU using software rendering or Gpu using Hardware rendering or even to a network or something. I dont know why you are running out of the track.

Since you are Officially accepted for this project and I was Officially rejected so I expected you might had a well plan but you idea of using OpenCL or CUDA seems to me extremely Illogical. It would just not cause the increase the speed as can be got with basic implementation. This project is not a big and difficult task.

Really, my only concern with CUDA (and Stream SDK) is that they are too vendor-specific (I'd loved to be proven wrong though). So, implementing GPU-support through them is a no-go, afaic. I'm not willing to implement two GPU-enabled GEGL branches, one for NVIDIA and one for ATI video cards. That would be too much hassle and would not fit sensibly into GSoC's timeline of 3 months. I am willing to develop for GIMP and GEGL after GSoC but I would prefer my targets realistic. I really do agree that coding against CUDA and similar APIs is easier than coding against OpenGL, I'm just not convinced that the latter is an 'unnecessary' investment given our particular case. The only API that I would really approve of is OpenCL, but as I have previously said, OpenCL implementations are still in their infancy.

I really really feel that have you never been exposed to shaders or ever used GLSL or HLSL , because what I feel you dont have the understanding of the topic and it would really be too difficult for you to complete this. I am working upon GPU for last 2.5 years and upon things like cloud computing since last year.

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Jerson Michael Perpetua <> wrote:

Thanks for your answer.

No problem. :)

Yes, I hope that all needed operations can be done via OpenGL, too

because I

have already experienced that CUDA sometimes makes problems even on


platforms if you don't have exactly the same compiler options as the


etc. On the other side, it's an additional unnecessary layer because the OpenGL computations use the same things you can directly access via CUDA


equivalent SDKs (if I have interpreted the infos I read about CUDA


This layer is optimized for rendering and not for computing, so - from a


simplicistic view - CUDA would be easier and more performant than OpenGL.

I have never heard of OpenCL, but it seems to be very interesting (and


proprietary). I hope that it will be available for the most important platforms, soon.

Really, my only concern with CUDA (and Stream SDK) is that they are too vendor-specific (I'd loved to be proven wrong though). So, implementing GPU-support through them is a no-go, afaic. I'm not willing to implement two GPU-enabled GEGL branches, one for NVIDIA and one for ATI video cards. That would be too much hassle and would not fit sensibly into GSoC's timeline of 3 months. I am willing to develop for GIMP and GEGL after GSoC but I would prefer my targets realistic. I really do agree that coding against CUDA and similar APIs is easier than coding against OpenGL, I'm just not convinced that the latter is an 'unnecessary' investment given our particular case. The only API that I would really approve of is OpenCL, but as I have previously said, OpenCL implementations are still in their infancy.

Nevertheless, thank you for your concern. We are of the same spirit. I just hope that we have a mature, non-proprietary, vendor-neutral, platform-agnostic solution here and now. But I'm forced to use OpenGL as it is what is currently available, imho. But rest assured, I will commit myself into porting my OpenGL implementation into OpenCL as soon as implementations for the latter becomes available. I also hope that I'd have help by that time. :)

Basically it's just the same as normal CPU threads, which would IMO be important to support, too. Many (especially Linux) systems don't have


acceleration available, but more than one CPU. Today you get already 8


i.e. filters would be ~8 times faster if they utilised all CPUs (for at


8 available rectangles).

Implementing multi-threading in GEGL is out of my scope and I'm not even sure if it's in GEGL's scope. GEGL is pretty low-level and threading can be implemented on top of GEGL by the relevant client (i.e. GIMP). Furthermore, be aware that threading doesn't really map into multiple cores and not using threads doesn't really mean that the code will not be parallelized[1].

Currently, the changes that I propose to introduce GPU-support to GEGL will be added to GEGL's existing code paths so that when OpenGL and/or hardware acceleration isn't available, we will be able to fallback to plain software rendering (using the CPU).

Yes I have found the relevant code sections in the GEGL source (at least


think that I have ;) ), and they seem to have the linear structure I have mentioned in my first email. I mean that gegl_processor_work() returns a boolean telling you if there is some more work to do, in which case you


to call it again. I think this is not usable for parallelism, because you always have to wait until the current packet (processed by gegl_processor_work()) is finished until you know if you have to call it again. For parallelism, a better approach would be that


does everything at once, for instance by moving the outer while loop over


rectangles into in inner for loop.

I'm not really an expert with regards to how GEGL uses threading frameworks (if at all) to parallelize tile/rectangle-level operations. My work will be concerned with accelerating pixel-level operations by parallelizing each pixel operation in the GPU. The key in my work is that all pixel operations should (theoretically) work in parallel. I'm not in the position to think about parallelizing tiles/rectangles though I suspect that parallelization in that area is limited because of GEGL's complex graph dependencies. I'd appreciate it if a GEGL expert steps up and clarify these issues.

[1] GCC, for example, will later provide automatic parallelization through the Graphite framework. Please see: and _______________________________________________ Gegl-developer mailing list
Gegl-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-11 12:33:15 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support


Sorry that you feel that way. I did tell the GIMP and GEGL developer's during proposal period that I had no previous experience with OpenGL. Moreover, you can read from my mailing list posts that I admit to being a beginner in OpenGL, GObjects and GEGL. I can't really speculate why they accepted me against someone experienced like you. But one thing's for sure, I can and am willing to learn.

As to me being off-track, maybe we are approaching the same problem in different perspectives? What I've written in my GSoC proposal is a very murky way of parallelizing pixel operations by loading buffer image data into OpenGL textures and using those textures inside shaders. It's now extended into off-loading pixel data copy operations and conversions to the GPU, so that the CPU can save several cycles to do other tasks. In my view, OpenCL and similar APIs aren't very different with respect to how I am envisioning to use OpenGL for GEGL. I don't see why I can't use those so called computing languages. Sure, I'm not positive that all operations could be rewritten into shaders. What I'm sure is that the very basic of them I could implement in time for GSoC.

I'm curious about your mention of minimaps though. I haven't really heard about them being used in GPGPU techniques. The only thing I know about minimaps is that they are "miniature map[s], often placed in a corner of the screen in computer games to aid in reorientation" [from Wikipedia]. Maybe you can shed some light into this dark mind?

Respectfully yours, Daerd

utkarsh shukla
2009-05-11 20:22:05 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

Sorry from my side if you felt something. I did not mean to hurt you. Obviously you must be better than me. Well by the minimap I mean you create a mapping of what part of buffer data is where, wether it is processed in CPU or in GPU or over the network. By this way You reduce the tranfer of data. Basically in GPU the costliest thing is the Data transfer than the processing. I dont feel such thing is used frequently but if you want to make a unified memory architechture then it would be much better. This thing will easily fit into the GEGL api.
I dint said OpenCL can not be used I just said OpenGl can do all the things needed and OpenCL or CUDA although can do this but they would be extra burden. OpenCl and CUDA use the Unified Compute architechture but I feel Gimp has much more worries of Data Transfer than the computation. CUDA or OpenCL is used best in places where large computation and less transfer is needed. I hope you understand. By this way of mapping you not only save the Data Tranfer but the architechture is much more usable even of you try Cloud Computing.

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Jerson Michael Perpetua <> wrote:


Sorry that you feel that way. I did tell the GIMP and GEGL developer's during proposal period that I had no previous experience with OpenGL. Moreover, you can read from my mailing list posts that I admit to being a beginner in OpenGL, GObjects and GEGL. I can't really speculate why they accepted me against someone experienced like you. But one thing's for sure, I can and am willing to learn.

As to me being off-track, maybe we are approaching the same problem in different perspectives? What I've written in my GSoC proposal is a very murky way of parallelizing pixel operations by loading buffer image data into OpenGL textures and using those textures inside shaders. It's now extended into off-loading pixel data copy operations and conversions to the GPU, so that the CPU can save several cycles to do other tasks. In my view, OpenCL and similar APIs aren't very different with respect to how I am envisioning to use OpenGL for GEGL. I don't see why I can't use those so called computing languages. Sure, I'm not positive that all operations could be rewritten into shaders. What I'm sure is that the very basic of them I could implement in time for GSoC.

I'm curious about your mention of minimaps though. I haven't really heard about them being used in GPGPU techniques. The only thing I know about minimaps is that they are "miniature map[s], often placed in a corner of the screen in computer games to aid in reorientation" [from Wikipedia]. Maybe you can shed some light into this dark mind?

Respectfully yours, Daerd

2009-05-11 20:49:21 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support


Implementing multi-threading in GEGL is out of my scope and I'm not even sure if it's in GEGL's scope.

I understand that as your project's task is adding OpenGL support. In my opinion, multi-CPU support would be more important, but that is of course another big task/project.

GEGL is pretty low-level and
threading can be implemented on top of GEGL by the relevant client (i.e. GIMP).

I don't understand this. How should GIMP provide threading support for GEGL processors? I mean, if you for instance scale a picture using GEGL, it is one GEGL operation. How can GIMP create multiple threads for this?

Furthermore, be aware that threading doesn't really map into multiple cores and not using threads doesn't really mean that the code will not be parallelized[1].

I had a look at Graphite/autopar and can say: Wow! Splitting loops to multiple threads automatically
[] is a good thing, but I think it's not true that threads don't map into multiple cores automatically. That's what threads (or processes, when threads are processes with same address space) are for.

I'm not really an expert with regards to how GEGL uses threading frameworks (if at all) to parallelize tile/rectangle-level operations.

I think it doesn't use threads at all and is designed for single-threaded use only... :/

My work will be concerned with accelerating pixel-level operations by parallelizing each pixel operation in the GPU. The key in my work is that all pixel operations should (theoretically) work in parallel.

That would indeed be very nice to have.

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-11 21:58:01 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 2:22 AM, utkarsh shukla wrote:

Sorry from my side if you felt something. I did not mean to hurt you. Obviously you must be better than me.

It's okay, no harm taken. :)

Well by the minimap I mean you create a mapping of what part of buffer data is where, wether it is processed in CPU or in GPU or over the  network. By this way You reduce the tranfer of data. Basically in GPU the costliest thing is the Data transfer than the processing. I dont feel such thing is used frequently but if you want to make a unified memory architechture then it would be much better. This thing will easily fit into the GEGL api.

I see. This minimap thing greatly interests me. I have been searching through Google for anything related to the minimaps you were talking about, but to no avail. All the results seem to refer to game minimaps only. Do you have, by any chance, some helpful references for them?

Actually, it's kinda funny that this appeared in our conversation. Richard T. and I, in a different conversation, were just talking about tile/rectangle-level parallelization. Actually, as it currently stands, GEGL doesn't seem to support concurrent operations on different tiles/rectangles. Reading through the source, especially through GeglBuffer's source, I was made to assume that the buffer doesn't really need to execute different operations on tiles/rectangles in different devices (e.g. GPUs, CPUs, etc.) because support for such isn't really there in the sources yet.

What I had in mind for GPU-support was to store all cached tiles in GPU memory, relying in the cache to actually minimize CPU to GPU transfers (and vice versa). I wasn't able to think of a setup wherein different tiles could be stored in and processed by different devices. Perhaps, I could better explain this if you understand GEGL's buffer architecture. I'm going to post another article for that, but had originally planned to include some of my proposed changes for GPU-support. I'm going to post the article anyway without my proposed changes. I think it might help.

Setting all that aside, I still don't know if introducing tile/rectangle-level parallelization is something that I could take on. Minimaps are indeed interesting, If my basic understanding of them is correct. But I would have to set that aside as of now.. Unless someone steps-up to implement them? :) Then maybe we could implement both tile/rectangle-level and pixel-level parallelization all at the same time... Sweetness. :)

Kind regards, Daerd

Jerson Michael Perpetua
2009-05-11 22:06:22 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

I don't understand this. How should GIMP provide threading support for GEGL processors? I mean, if you for instance scale a picture using GEGL, it is one GEGL operation. How can GIMP create multiple threads for this?

Yes, you are right. Probably just my confused mind, but I was actually thinking about setting-up different threads for different graphs. Sorry about that. :)

Thanks for the patience.

Be aware that there is another conversation I'm having in this same list that has something to do with tile/rectangle-level parallelization (or so I think). You might be interested to look into utkarsh's messages. He seem to be an expert in this.

Kind regards, Daerd

Øyvind Kolås
2009-05-12 01:29:28 UTC (almost 16 years ago)

GPU support

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Richard H. wrote:


Implementing multi-threading in GEGL is out of my scope and I'm not even sure if it's in GEGL's scope.

I understand that as your project's task is adding OpenGL support. In my opinion, multi-CPU support would be more important, but that is of course another big task/project.

GEGL has been designed to have an API that will allows using it without concern of whether it internally is single threaded (like its current incarnation), threaded, multi-process, multi-host or multi-process with parallel tasks driving GeglProcessors for different subregions, or perhaps even with the workload divided in a stream processing like manner.

GEGL is pretty low-level and
threading can be implemented on top of GEGL by the relevant client (i.e. GIMP).

Nope,. see above.

My work will be concerned with accelerating pixel-level operations by parallelizing each pixel operation in the GPU.  The key in my work is that all pixel operations should (theoretically) work in parallel.

That would indeed be very nice to have.

A GPU based backend should be possible to integrate with some of the above outlined possible approaches of dividing labour, ideally it would be possible to use GEGL and let GEGL itself figured out how to best make use computational resources available.

/Øyvind K.