Gimp-developer Digest, Vol 77, Issue 3
Great idea!
What about include GPS on Gimp official release?
El Mi?rcoles, 4 de Febrero de 2009 00:41:05 David Gowers escribi?:
One thing I noticed, is that presets for gimp-mixbrush-tool are
included; these presets will only work if your GIMP has been patched
with the patch available here:
Why gimp-painter patch is not included on Gimp?
There are some problems about that?
Wow, this is really nice. Finally someone discovered the power of tool
Indeed! Now, I don't really want to stop the fun pouring in :), but
this is probably because nobody had time to create a better UI for
them. With all respect due a 3rd level menu item is something people
rarely like to go for :( I wonder if Peter's usability research
covered that. Hopefully GPS will trigger someone's programming mind :)
It would be really nice to see this in the official Gimp releases, indeed.
It might also be a good idea to translate the manual to english as well.
You can more or less extract what you need from it, but english is a
language a lot more people can understand to a certain degree.
I've only recently started to get in the "comfort zone" with gimp, and
things like this just make me happy :)