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This is a read-only list on gimpusers.com so this discussion thread is read-only, too.
SF-TOGGLE type? | Rob Antonishen | 17 Dec 16:01 |
SF-TOGGLE type? | saulgoode@flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com | 17 Dec 18:44 |
SF-TOGGLE type? | Pablo Yaggi | 17 Dec 18:56 |
Should SF-TOGGLE be evaluated as a boolean or int in a scheme script?
I have been using (if (= inToggle TRUE) (do-true) (do-false)) where inToggle is a toggle (check box) parameter,
Because (if inToggle (do-true) (do-false)) always returns as true.
-Rob A.
On 12/17/08, Pablo Yaggi wrote:
Working with gimp 2.6 this segment of codes
(if (= (car (gimp-drawable-is-rgb image)) FALSE) (gimp-image-convert-rgb image) )
gives me this error
Error while executing script-fu-mirror-table:
Error: Procedure execution of gimp-image-convert-rgb failed on invalid input arguments: Image 'file:///home/pablo/glam.jpg' (1) is already of
type 'rgb'Bests,
Pablo(Martin told me my font was too small, is it right now ? )
You have been using TRUE and FALSE correctly. The problem with Pablo's script is that he passing the 'image' variable to 'gimp-drawable-is-rgb'. Presumably his script does not generate an error because he is executing his script on the first image he opened thus the imageID is "1" -- which happens to be the drawableID for GIMP's selection mask. Therefore, since the selection mask is a grayscale drawable, 'gimp-drawable-is-rgb' returns FALSE even though his image may be RGB.
To Pablo, if you wish to determine the mode of your image, I would recommend using 'gimp-image-base-type' and pass it the imageID. If you use 'gimp-drawable-is-foo' then be sure that the drawableID which you pass to it is the correct one.
As further background about these booleans, Script-fu's TRUE and FALSE values do not correspond to Scheme's #t and #f booleans. TRUE and FALSE are integer constants ("1" and "0" respectively). In point of fact, FALSE (the integer "0") will be treated as #t (boolean true) by any Script-fu testing it directly.
There WAS a change in the transition from SIOD (in GIMP 2.4), however, the change was that SIOD treated the empty list as boolean false; whereas in TinyScheme (and all other R5RS Schemes) everything except #f (boolean false) is considered to be #t (boolean true).
Quoting Rob Antonishen :
Should SF-TOGGLE be evaluated as a boolean or int in a scheme script?
I have been using (if (= inToggle TRUE) (do-true) (do-false)) where inToggle is a toggle (check box) parameter,
Because (if inToggle (do-true) (do-false)) always returns as true.
-Rob A.
On 12/17/08, Pablo Yaggi wrote:
Working with gimp 2.6 this segment of codes
(if (= (car (gimp-drawable-is-rgb image)) FALSE) (gimp-image-convert-rgb image) )
gives me this error
Error while executing script-fu-mirror-table:
Error: Procedure execution of gimp-image-convert-rgb failed on invalid input arguments: Image 'file:///home/pablo/glam.jpg' (1) is already of
type 'rgb'Bests,
Pablo(Martin told me my font was too small, is it right now ? )
Thank's a lot, I fixed it getting the active-layer for the image and passing it to -is-rgb.
On Wednesday 17 December 2008 15:44:12 saulgoode@flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com wrote:
You have been using TRUE and FALSE correctly. The problem with Pablo's script is that he passing the 'image' variable to 'gimp-drawable-is-rgb'. Presumably his script does not generate an error because he is executing his script on the first image he opened thus the imageID is "1" -- which happens to be the drawableID for GIMP's selection mask. Therefore, since the selection mask is a grayscale drawable, 'gimp-drawable-is-rgb' returns FALSE even though his image may be RGB.
To Pablo, if you wish to determine the mode of your image, I would recommend using 'gimp-image-base-type' and pass it the imageID. If you use 'gimp-drawable-is-foo' then be sure that the drawableID which you pass to it is the correct one.
As further background about these booleans, Script-fu's TRUE and FALSE values do not correspond to Scheme's #t and #f booleans. TRUE and FALSE are integer constants ("1" and "0" respectively). In point of fact, FALSE (the integer "0") will be treated as #t (boolean true) by any Script-fu testing it directly.
There WAS a change in the transition from SIOD (in GIMP 2.4), however, the change was that SIOD treated the empty list as boolean false; whereas in TinyScheme (and all other R5RS Schemes) everything except #f (boolean false) is considered to be #t (boolean true).
Quoting Rob Antonishen :
Should SF-TOGGLE be evaluated as a boolean or int in a scheme script?
I have been using (if (= inToggle TRUE) (do-true) (do-false)) where inToggle is a toggle (check box) parameter,
Because (if inToggle (do-true) (do-false)) always returns as true.
-Rob A.
On 12/17/08, Pablo Yaggi wrote:
Working with gimp 2.6 this segment of codes
(if (= (car (gimp-drawable-is-rgb image)) FALSE) (gimp-image-convert-rgb image) )
gives me this error
Error while executing script-fu-mirror-table:
Error: Procedure execution of gimp-image-convert-rgb failed on invalid input arguments: Image 'file:///home/pablo/glam.jpg' (1) is already of
type 'rgb'Bests,
Pablo(Martin told me my font was too small, is it right now ? )