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anyone who explain this to me..

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anyone who explain this to me.. Choi, Ji-Hui 24 Mar 13:47
  anyone who explain this to me.. Axel Wernicke 24 Mar 17:32
   anyone who explain this to me.. Roman Joost 26 Mar 10:41
Choi, Ji-Hui
2007-03-24 13:47:10 UTC (almost 18 years ago)

anyone who explain this to me..

hi. folks.

I'm reviewing my works.(translating to korean) then I couldn't understand some part. please, explain to me.

the section is : the last of this page

Auto Follow Active Image

This is a toggle, and it is meaningless unless an Image Menu is being shown. It causes the Image Menu, and hence the contents of the dialog if they are image-related, to change to follow whatever image you are working on at the moment. For example, if you have two images and the Histogram dialog on your secreen, then the histogram of the activated image will be displayed.

above means, if I hide the image menu of some dialogs, then "auto follow image" function wont work anymore. but in my experiment, the function is working.

so I asked on irc channel.( #gimp) mitch said, the manual is wrong, the auto follow image function isnot related the image menu.

I think mitch is right. please, anyone check this part. and explain to me or fix this part. (I hope to fix on myself, but you know, my english is bad. and I'll mark on xml file)


Axel Wernicke
2007-03-24 17:32:13 UTC (almost 18 years ago)

anyone who explain this to me..


Am 24.03.2007 um 13:47 schrieb Choi, Ji-Hui:

hi. folks.

I'm reviewing my works.(translating to korean) then I couldn't understand some part. please, explain to me.

the section is : the last of this page



so I asked on irc channel.( #gimp) mitch said, the manual is wrong, the auto follow image function isnot related the image menu.

I think mitch is right. please, anyone check this part. and explain to me or fix this part. (I hope to fix on myself, but you know, my english is bad. and I'll mark on xml file)

pretty simple. If it is wrong in the manual and mitch is right (which I do have no doubt about), the manual has to be changed. If you are brave enough to do it by yourself - just go ahead. If not, leave a comment in the .xml source that says something like

Greetings, lexa


Roman Joost
2007-03-26 10:41:05 UTC (almost 18 years ago)

anyone who explain this to me..


On Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 05:32:13PM +0100, Axel Wernicke wrote:

Am 24.03.2007 um 13:47 schrieb Choi, Ji-Hui:

hi. folks.

I'm reviewing my works.(translating to korean) then I couldn't understand some part. please, explain to me.

the section is : the last of this page



so I asked on irc channel.( #gimp) mitch said, the manual is wrong, the auto follow image function isnot related the image menu.

I think mitch is right. please, anyone check this part. and explain to me or fix this part. (I hope to fix on myself, but you know, my english is bad. and I'll mark on xml file)

pretty simple. If it is wrong in the manual and mitch is right (which I do have no doubt about), the manual has to be changed. If you are brave enough to do it by yourself - just go ahead. If not, leave a comment in the .xml source that says something like

We've a bugzilla account and that's a bug. We should prefer using bugzilla over adding comments (or maybe using both 'worlds': adding a comment which points to bug #0815).

Not sure how we're deal with the bug which affects every translation, but that's another part.
