patch for Colorize "Lightness" slider (english)
Here is a patch for the Colorize page. The changes reflect some
discussion I had with Sven and Mitch this morning on the GIMP Developer
I'm attaching the patch file, but in case attachments don't get through,
here is the text:
Index: src/toolbox/tool-colorize.xml
--- src/toolbox/tool-colorize.xml (revision 1717)
+++ src/toolbox/tool-colorize.xml (working copy)
@@ -272,14 +272,16 @@
- Value
+ Lightness
- The slider and the input box allows you to select a value
- (luminosity): 0 through 100.
+ This slider and its input box allow you to adjust the
+ (luminosity) relative to the current pixel values.
+ Values range from -100 through 100. Negative values darken
+ image while positive values brighten it.