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When the Sun and Space want collide

Digital painting contest! Create a nature landscape scene in GIMP!
When the Sun and Space want collide
When the Sun and Space want collide
44 GIMPusers like this


Author: RamonMiranda

Submitted at Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:05:44 +0000, last edited over 12 years ago

About this image

I was thinking about the idea to paint a romantic sunset landscape. Every day Sun goes down and space and stars appears with Night, What about to have both things at the same time? Gimp makes that possible. i hope you like it.

I agree with the terms and of course this image is creative commons as said on the terms on competition. good luck all of you!


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RamonMiranda member for about 14 years RamonMiranda 7 comments
over 12 years ago

Hi all, i wanted to thank all the people who voted me, THANKS. i really apreciate. It was great to see more paintings in this contest. lets see the next !

best wishes from Spain,

Susanna member for about 13 years Susanna 28 comments
over 12 years ago

congratulation from Germany!

RamonMiranda member for about 14 years RamonMiranda 7 comments
over 12 years ago

@sofia732011 Hi again, nice to hear you are testing digital art, enjoy it. if you need help for something ...
Old way of painting is good too, the better is to be able to combine both worlds.
see you

sofia732011 member for over 12 years sofia732011 2 comments
over 12 years ago

Ramon, I admire you, no doubt. I know a lot of your paintings from the internet and and you gave me the "kick" some months ago to try painting digitally. But I am coming from the "old" way of painting on canvas traditionally, and up to now I wasn't aware that I may paint on layers.

RamonMiranda member for about 14 years RamonMiranda 7 comments
over 12 years ago

Thanks for the comments, very appreciated . I want to say that everything is painted by scratch, not composed or using photos. All came from my mind and is not photorealistic but emotive style IMO.
@sofia742011. This is digital painting, but the process is basically the same as I smudge the color too on digital canvas. I also paint traditionally, I invite you to check my web gallery, :)


devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 12 years ago

Excellent painting btw ;) I was really impressed when I first saw it!

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 12 years ago

I agree with you sofia, however in the digital world the actual work of "painting" is done by the system/application you're working on/with. In this case GIMP is mixing the colors for you and creates the color changes but still you alone (the artist him/herself) must give the decisions how the colors should be mixed. Layers are just a digital help to experiment more. I'd say a painting is a composition of colors, not just of layers, since a layer contains the colors.

sofia732011 member for over 12 years sofia732011 2 comments
over 12 years ago

It's beautiful. But this one and most of the paintings are not "paintings" but composings.
Real paintings have to be done on one canvas. The difficulty is to mix the colors, to built up paintings step by step and not to compose layers.

lousiewhei member for almost 13 years lousiewhei 14 comments
over 12 years ago

Look at your picture makes one want to paint and ashame of his own work at the same time. How many hours? and on a touch screen? or with stylus? I know I cannot do this with a just a 3-button mouse.

Nita r
over 12 years ago

Beautiful I like this best

dufus member for about 14 years dufus 2 comments
over 12 years ago

Excellent! How this image came to be in someones mind is beyond me.

mgroothuis member for over 14 years mgroothuis 7 comments
over 12 years ago

Very evocative! Beautiful atmosphere...

sleighill member for almost 14 years sleighill 1 comment rated this topic with 4/5
over 12 years ago

This is good, painstaking reflects what my heart and soul are experiencing at this time...collision! Good job!